Fall curbside collection of organic leaf and yard waste will begin next week. Collection will take place between October 24 and November 3, on your regular recycling days.
Leaf and yard waste set out for curbside pickup must be placed in kraft paper yard waste bags with each bag weighing less than 18 kg/40 lbs once filled. Bundled branches may also be left at the curb for collection; bundles must be less than one metre (39 inches) long, no more than 61 cm or (24 inches) in diameter and be tied using string or rope.
Free kraft yard waste bags (limit two free per household) can be picked up in the lead up to the collection dates. Bags are now available for pickup at all Thunder Bay Public Library locations (while supplies last). Thunder Bay Solid Waste and Recycling staff will also be handing out bags at two distribution events:
- Oct 20 at Intercity Shopping Centre
- Oct 21 at Thunder Bay Country Market
“The program provides many benefits to the community,” said Jason Sherband, Manager of Solid Waste & Recycling Services. “You can conveniently dispose of yard waste and also receive free nutrient-rich compost in the spring, and it also helps the City extend the life of the landfill.”
There is no limit on the amount of leaf and yard waste that can be placed out for collection. Homeowners should place any yard waste at the curb on their regular recycling day, as indicated on their waste collection calendars. Look for the leaf symbol on the garbage and recycling calendar.
Grass clippings are not accepted.
For more information, contact Infrastructure, Development & Operations Dispatch at 807-625-2195.
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Contact: Jason Sherband, Manager – Solid Waste & Recycling Services, 807-625-3851
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