September 2, 2016 - The City of Thunder Bay advises all road users to take extra caution while travelling along the roads near Windsor Street, between Algonquin Street and Rockwood Avenue. 

"We are hoping to make Windsor Street a safer place for people walking, strolling, and cycling," said Adam Krupper, Mobility Coordinator. "Similarly to the new stop signs on Bay Street, the City has changed the configuration of stop signs along Windsor Street to make it easier and safer to enjoy your neighbourhood."

As part of implementing the new Windsor Street Active Living Corridor, the following changes to stop controls in this area have been made: 

  • New North-South stop signs have been installed along Windsor Street at Kenogami Avenue South and Windemere Avenue South.   The City has removed the East-West stop signs on Windsor Street at Kenogami Avenue South and Windemere Avenue South.
  • A new all-way stop has been created at the intersection of Windsor Street and Empress Avenue South, with new stop signs on the North-South legs of Empress Avenue South.
  • A new three-way stop has been created at the intersection of Windsor Street and Rockwood Avenue South, with new stop signs on the North-South legs of Rockwood Avenue South.

The new stop sign configuration along Windsor Street is intended to help make walking and cycling safer and more convenient along this route; pedestrians will be able to cross all side streets without fear of on-coming traffic. 

This project is a continuation of the Bay Street Active Living Corridor.

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Contact: Adam Krupper, Mobility Coordinator - Infrastructure & Operations, 625-2163