Joint media release from CEDC (Community Economic Development Commission) and CEMI (Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation):
Mining Innovation: CEMI, Sudbury, Ontario and CEDC, Thunder Bay, Ontario sign memorandum of understanding to co-develop capacity of the mining innovation ecosystem.
In an effort to help strengthen collaboration across Ontario and leverage resources within the mining innovation ecosystem, the Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation (CEMI) and the Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC) are pleased to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU). The CEO of CEDC, Doug
Murray said that “Mining and further mining innovations are important aspects for the continued growth of the Northwestern Ontario Economy and thus appreciate CEMI’s support to make this happen.” and his words aligned with CEMI’s President Douglas Morrison who said “CEMI has always undertaken to help promote mining activity in the north-west of Ontario, and this is another way to recognize our collaborative relationship.”
The purpose of this MOU is to promote a collaborative strategic approach to all aspects of mining, through mining research, technology development and the commercialization of mining innovation. The MOU will serve as a model for bilateral collaboration between the “CEDC” and CEMI and, wherever possible, the expansion of multilateral relationships with local and foreign academic institutions, researchers, mining companies, mining supply and service sector and government agencies.
CEMI would like to acknowledge that the effort to build the capacity of its network and extend its service delivery capacity has been supported by the Government of Canada’s Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) through funding from the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor).
The formalization of this relationship is another step in CEMI’s effort to develop a national mining ecosystem so that the innovations in the service and supply companies in Canada can have a greater impact on domestic and global markets. CEMI is leading the development of a program called the Mining Innovation Commercialization Accelerator (MICA). The national ecosystem will be built upon a network of collaborative regional mining clusters across the country, each cluster defined by the companies in each region. As each of the regional clusters expand their network of MOUs and co-operation agreements with organizations across the country and internationally, the national ecosystem will be strengthened.
CEMI’s objective is to help the mining sector achieve a step-change improvement in performance by accelerating the commercial adoption of innovations in mines and by increasing the innovation capacity of the mining service companies that deliver techniques and technologies to the industry. CEMI works through networked solutions teams to accelerate the commercialization of mining innovations.
Incorporated in December 2006, CEDC is an arms-length Community Development Corporation, led by an independent board with core funding from the City of Thunder Bay. The mandate of the CEDC is to operate in a way that is: Project-based, Business-led, Partner-driven and Community supported. CEDC receives formal proposals on projects that will contribute to economic development. It responds quickly to new opportunities and initiatives to attract direct financial involvement from government and private sectors.
Contact Details: For more information about CEMI please contact: 705-673-6586 For more information about the CEDC please contact: 807-625-3960
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