January 9, 2018 - Mayor Keith Hobbs, members of the Official Recognition Committee and past award recipients officially opened nominations for the 2018 Citizens of Exceptional Achievement Awards today at City Hall.

For over 40 years, these awards have honoured hard working volunteers, organizations and groups that are helping to create a neighbourhood and a  community where people feel a sense of belonging and responsibility to each other, and are active participants in its life.

"The commitment of the nominees for the Citizens of Exceptional Achievement Awards is vital to the ongoing development of our City," said Mayor Keith Hobbs. "We believe it is important to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of these extraordinary people who through their acts of volunteerism improve the lives of others in Thunder Bay."

Nominations are open until Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2018.

Volunteers can be nominated to receive awards in one of three categories; Good Citizen, Spirit of Thunder Bay and Youth.  For more information, and to nominate online or download a nomination form, visit: www.thunderbay.ca/officialrecognition 


Contact:     Krista Power, Deputy City Clerk, 625-2236