Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, at its meeting held on Monday, November 25, 2019, declared surplus, once vested, to the City’s requirements pursuant to the City’s policies, the following properties:

(C214) The lands and building municipally known as 300 Finlayson Street, described as Lot 3, Block 34, Registered Plan W54, having an area of 352.51 square metres or 3,794.43 square feet. The City proposes to sell the property on the open market.

(A100) The vacant lands municipally known as 1101 Frederica Street West, described as Lot 29, Block 22, Registered Plan W219, having an area of 368.59 square metres or 3,967.45 square feet.  The City proposes to sell the property on the open market.

(D67) The lands and building municipally known as 235-237 Red River Road, described as Part of Lot 8, S/S Arthur St, Prince Arthur’s Landing McIntyre, as in TBR162636 except T/W therein, having an area of 597.11 square metres or 6,427.27 square feet. The City proposes sell the property on the open market.

(A99) The lands and building municipally known as 1418 Moodie Street East, described as Part of Lot 292, Registered Plan W393, having an area of 247.13 square metres or 2,660.1 square feet. The City proposes to sell the property on the open market.

(D66) The lands and building municipally known as 61 Court Street South, described as Part of Lot 5, S/S. Ambrose St of Park Lot 2 S/S Pearl St., Registered Plan 95 1/2, having an area of 322.27 square metres or 3,468.9 square feet. The City proposes to sell the property on the open market.

Please note all site areas referred to herein are approximate.  For further information regarding the lands, please contact Janelle DaRosa of the Realty Services Division at 625-2477, (Fax 625-2977), or visit the Realty Services Office at Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd Floor, 111 Syndicate Avenue South, Thunder Bay, Ontario.  Enquiries may be made until the 24th day of January, 2020.