Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, at its meeting held on Monday, May 18, 2022, declared the following land and easement interests surplus to the City's requirements:
(A104) The City’s interest in the vacant property, being Lots 3-5, Block X, Registered Plan W61, municipally known as 226 Kingston Street, be designated as an area of Site Plan Control and sold on the open market at appraised market value;
(A107) The City grant an easement interest over a portion of City-owned lands located behind 424 Christina Street West described as Part of Closed James Street, Registered Plan W-42, being Part 1 on Reference Plan 55R-14936; to facilitate the maintenance of Enbridge Gas’ long existing underground infrastructure at no cost to Enbridge;
(B22) A portion of the City’s easement interest over the property municipally known as 198 Seneca Place, being Part of Lot 535, Registered Plan M326, be released and transferred to the owner of 198 Seneca Place;
(G40) The City grant an easement interest over a portion of City-owned river bank along the Kaministiquia River Bank adjacent to Riverdale Road, being part of the original 66’ Road Allowance, Registered Plan W689 Concession 1; for utility purposes at the request of Enbridge Gas Inc. at the appraised market value of $660.00;
Please note all site areas referred to herein are approximate. For further information regarding the lands, please contact Maria Pepe of the Realty Services Division at 625- 2477, (Fax 625-2977), or visit the Realty Services Office at Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd Floor, 111 Syndicate Avenue South, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Enquiries may be made until the 2nd day of September, 2022.
DATED at the City of Thunder Bay, this 19th day of August 2022.
Krista Power
City Clerk
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