MARCH 2020

More than food: How you eat is important too!

WHEREAS, the goal of National Nutrition Month is to encourage all Canadians to eat well; and

WHEREAS, Dietitians are a trusted source of credible nutrition information and are launching a campaign focusing to help consumers make healthier food choices and engage om healthy behaviours, like eating with others; and

WHEREAS, Canadians are interested in healthy eating and want information to help them achieve this goal – dietitians offer nutrition resources as well as interactive tools on the Dietitians of Canada web site –; and

WHEREAS, to celebrate National Nutrition Month, Dietitians in Thunder Bay will be hosting a dinner at Shelter House Thunder Bay, launching colouring contest for children, as well as sharing profiles of the diverse roles of Dietitians- all highlighting how healthy eating is More Than Food. Visit for more details.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Bill Mauro, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim the month of March 2020 as Nutrition Month, and March 18th, 2020 as National Dietitians Day in the City of Thunder Bay, Ontario. I encourage all citizens to recognize the contributions of dietitians and express appreciation for their commitment to promoting science-based food and nutrition in the hope of achieving optimum health for both today and tomorrow.


Please contact the Thunder Bay District health Unit for any questions
