Based on current ice conditions and forecasted snowfall and temperatures, the City’s outdoor rinks will be closing for the season this Monday, March 20.

Crews will be out clearing the rinks through the weekend and skating surfaces will be assessed. If they are found to be unsafe, they will be signed as closed and nets will be removed. Any rinks that are still safe for use will remain in operation until Sunday.

“Overall this has been a good skating season, and we’ve been fortunate to be able to maintain conditions through March Break,” said Cory Halvorsen, Manager of Parks & Open Spaces. “Crews will begin taking down screens and lights next week.”

There will still be outdoor skating available at the refrigerated rink at Prince Arthur’s Landing.

For more information on the City’s outdoor rinks, visit:

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Contact:       Cory Halvorsen, Manager - Parks & Opens Spaces, 625-2355