Starting this Thursday, vehicles that violate the new expanded hours and paid-parking area regulations throughout Thunder Bay will no longer receive a first-time offence warning and will get a ticket.

Hours of enforcement, parking rates and enforcement locations were changed effective June 1 of this year. Since that time, Municipal Parking Services officers have issued written warnings to a vehicle or given verbal warnings to drivers on-scene for the new hours and location rules. These warnings will cease as of 7:00 a.m. Thursday morning. The warnings were to assist drivers in adapting to the new paid parking locations and hours of enforcement.

Temporary Construction Exemption for North Core Streetscaping

As part of the engagement process regarding changes to parking, the City heard about parking challenges in the North Core, as part of ongoing construction by the City. Council ratified the creation of two-hour parking exemptions in areas of major municipal construction. This allows the City Manager the authority to designate free two-hour metered parking zones where areas are designated as a temporary exemption zone.

The first area to receive this temporary designation will be specific streets in the area of the North Core Streetscape Renewal, where free two-hour, metered parking will be available on the following streets effective Tuesday, August 13:

  • Court Street – from Lincoln Street to Van Norman Street
  • Cumberland Street – from Lincoln Steet to Van Norman Street
  • Red River Road – Algoma Street to Water Street (does not include surface lots or Parkade)
  • Park Avenue – Court Street South to Cumberland Street South
  • Cook Street- Court Street North to St. Paul Street
  • St. Paul Street – Red River Road to Van Norman Street
  • Lorne Street

Where meters are designated for two-hour free parking, they will have clearly marked meter head covers. Drivers are asked to pay attention to the signage.

More information about parking times, rates and locations can be found at