Pioneer Ridge Long-Term Care and Senior Services celebrated its 25th year milestone on Thursday, May 16. Named after the founders of our city, Pioneer Ridge was originally built in 1994 as a Home for the Aged by the City of Thunder Bay. Today the Long-Term Care and Senior Services facility provides care and services to 150 long-term care residents, 120 supportive housing tenants, and meals for approximately 250 city residents through the Meals on Wheels program.

“Pioneer Ridge has embraced many changes in the recent years and we are extremely proud of our accomplishments and our ongoing ability to provide quality care to those we serve,” said Lee Mesic, Administrator – Pioneer Ridge. “We could never have accomplished what we have without our dedicated and compassionate team – our residents, staff, auxiliary, volunteers, governing body, and family and friends. They work collectively to meet the unique and individual needs of consumers. Together our team strives to have a premier home that is deeply committed to residents and relationship-centred care. We aim to achieve innovation, accountability, quality care and quality of life for those being served and living with us.”

Pioneer Ridge has many unique features and state of the art equipment. Residents enjoy enhanced destination spaces such as the Butterfly Garden, Tuscan themed skywalk, and Snoezelen Room.  The facility is also home to Grace Remus Daycare. This unique paring allows for both residents and children to benefit from intergenerational programming on a regular basis.

Looking ahead to the next 25 years, Pioneer Ridge aims to carry on enriching lives with continuous quality improvement. Providing long-term care and senior services is an integral part of having a sustainable health care system and Pioneer Ridge focuses on provide each consumer with the right care, at the right time, in the right place.

The 25th year was celebrated with an open house event that recognized the history of the facility in our community and the valuable services provided to Thunder Bay residents.

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Contact: Lee Mesic, Administrator - Pioneer Ridge, 684-3917,

Joyce Green - First Administrator of Pioneer Ridge