January 3, 2018 - The proposed 2018 Municipal Budget forms the starting point for City Council's detailed review. In 2017, City Council directed that the proposed 2018 tax-supported budget achieve a 2.9% municipal tax levy increase net of growth and include a net budget reduction of $1.6 million to achieve this target.
"This is a responsible budget consistent with Council's direction and is responsive to changing needs in the community," said Norm Gale, City Manager. "Our City is transforming and the demand for services is rising, especially in the areas of emergency services, public safety and roads maintenance."
The proposed 2018 Budget provides an increase in the net tax levy after growth of $5.3 million or 2.9%.
"The proposed budget is a starting point," said Councillor Frank Pullia, Chair - Administrative Services. "Changes may result as the public provides input and as Council deliberates during the detailed review
to find permanent savings, while dealing with ongoing cost increases and reductions in tax revenues due to successful assessment appeals in the commercial and industrial sectors."
2018 Key Budget Drivers:
"¢ Reduced annual funding through the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund of $1.8 million.
"¢ Increased expenses of $1.1 million related to Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017
"¢ Expansion to Superior North EMS Paramedic Services: $0.5 million
"¢ Continued transitioning of Solid Waste Diversion costs to tax supported operations: $0.6 million
"¢ Increased funding for community youth and cultural grants
"¢ Expansions in roads, patrolling, inspections and asphalt surface maintenance
"¢ Response to Seven Youth Inquest including First Nation Secondary School Transit Pass Pilot Program for 2017-2018 school year
Key drivers have been offset by operating reductions of $2.4 million, including savings of $0.7 million in Provincial uploads for social assistance benefit costs and increased grant funding for prisoner transportation and court security costs.
Investment in infrastructure renewal continues. The proposed 2018 Net Capital budget of $16.4 million is consistent with 2017 levels.
A Public Pre-Budget Deputation Meeting will take place on Thursday, Jan. 11, at 6:30 pm at City Hall in Council Chambers. Council's Budget Reviews will take place on Jan. 16, 18, 24 and 31, with approval expected on Monday, Feb. 5. The proposed 2018 Capital and Operating Budgets and Community Handbook are now available online at thunderbay.ca/budget and at the Waverley and Brodie Library branches.
Contacts: Linda Evans, GM - Corporate Services & Long Term Care, Treasurer, 625-2241
Spokesperson: Councillor Frank Pullia, Chair - Administrative Services, is the spokesperson for
Council during Budget deliberations, 630-0062
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