Notice of Application
The Planning Services Division would like your comments on an application that is currently under review for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment at 2121 Mahogany Way.
Submit written comments, by emailing, no later than June 12, 2024. Please quote the file number, OZ-04-2024, in your submission. Copies of all correspondence will eventually be forwarded to City Council and to the applicant. Your comments will be considered in the evaluation of the application and used to prepare a recommendation to City Council.
Copies of all comments will be forwarded to City Council and to the Applicant. The collection of personal information including names and contact information provided in written submissions is made under the authority of the Planning Act for the purpose of creating a Public Record. Personal information is collected in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Lands subject to the application
The subject property is known as 2121 Mahogany Way and is located mid-block between Paragon Street and Hickory Street with frontage on both Mahogany Way and Mapleward Road, as shown on the key map on page 3 of this notice.
Currently existing on the property is a detached house. Detached houses are also the predominant surrounding land use. The lands are zoned “RS1” – Rural Settlement Zone and designated as “Residential” in the Official Plan.
The subject lands are also the subject of an application for consent to sever, File no. B-38-2024, which is being reviewed by the City as a companion to this application.
Purpose and effect of the application
The purpose of this application is to permit the creation of an undersized lot with private sewage service in Urban Settlement Area
If approved, the effect of this amendment would be policy conformity and zoning compliance to support the proposed severance to create one new parcel of land.
The applicant’s site sketches are shown below.
Additional information
Additional information and material about this application including appeal rights is currently available upon request by contacting The recommendation report to City Council will be available for viewing at a later date.
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Thunder Bay City Council on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment, you must submit a written request to
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