A draft plan for removing the nearly 70-year-old wooden dock and breakwater on the east side of Chippewa Park beach, as well as erosion protection for the adjoining shoreline and maintaining fish habitat is now available for public review.

The plan has been prepared on behalf of the City of Thunder Bay and The Friends of Chippewa Park by JML Engineering, and was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Parks and Conservation.

In addition to the process for the removal of the dock and stone, the plan details the removal of the existing wood retaining wall and fence, methods of protecting the shoreline from wave and ice action, and minimizing runoff and sediment contamination. Replacement of fish habitat is a key part of the plan.

Input from the public, review agencies and other stakeholders will be considered in the planning and design of the project. Interested parties are invited to view a summary of the plan and provide comments at www.thunderbay.ca/ChippewaBreakwater.

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Contact: Werner Schwar – Supervisor, Parks & Open Space Planning, wschwar@thunderbay.ca