The City of Thunder Bay is studying the possibility of implementing a Red Light Camera Program at 10 intersections where accidents have been caused by red light running. Residents are invited to take an online survey through the City’s public engagement platform, and share their input on red light cameras for Thunder Bay. 

“In Ontario, many serious traffic accidents involve right-angle collisions, where a vehicle running a red light hits the side of a vehicle that has entered the intersection properly on a green light—a ‘t-bone’ accident,” said David Binch, Traffic Technologist, Infrastructure and Operations. “Cities that have installed red light cameras have experienced a 25 per cent reduction in these accidents, which usually cause injury.” 

Currently, 12 municipalities in Ontario have installed red light cameras.

The fine for a traffic violation captured by a red light camera is $325, with no demerit points. Revenues available from the fines are predicted to cover more than the operating costs of the program.

The Thunder Bay Police Service supports installing red light cameras in the city to improve safety.

The City is seeking input from Thunder Bay residents until April 16. Please visit our Red Light Cameras page for more information, and to take the survey.

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Contact: David Binch, Traffic Technologist – Engineering, 625-2265