Notice is hereby given that the following City-owned lands have been recommended as surplus to municipal requirements pursuant to the City of Thunder Bay Municipal Code.
The decision is scheduled to be confirmed by Council on the evening of June 24, 2024.
(A93) The City’s interest in the vacant property, being known as 740 Grey Crescent, being Lot 67, Registered Plan 759 (A93), containing an area of 744.33 sq. metres (or 8011.89 sq. ft.), be sold on the open market at appraised market value;
(B20) The City’s interest in the vacant property, known as 125 Birchwood Crescent, being Lot 4, Registered Plan 768 containing an area of 564.58 sq. metres (or 6077.12 sq. ft.) be sold on the open market at appraised market value;
(D77), The City’s interest in the vacant property, known as 172 and Part of 168 Woodside Street being Lot 284 and Part of Lot 285, Registered Plan M243, containing an area of 907.08 sq. metres (or 9763.68 sq. ft.) be sold on the open market at appraised market value;
(E97) The City’s interest in the untravelled street allowance known as Bruce Street at Minot Avenue being Part of Bruce Street, Registered Plan M25 containing an area of 318.78 sq. metres (or 3431.40 sq. ft.), once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value; and
(E99) The City’s interest in the vacant property known municipally as 837 Hodder Avenue plus a portion of the adjacent untraveled street allowance being Lot 20, and Part of Corona Street Registered Plan M111, containing an area of 3204 sq. metres (or 34,487 sq. ft) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.
Please note all site areas referred to herein are approximate.
To submit further written comments OR to request a deputation to speak to Council, you must do so prior to 12:00pm on Thursday Jue 20, 2024 by:
Written input may be mailed to:
Office of the City Clerk
P.O. Box 800
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5K4
DATED at the City of Thunder Bay, this 4th day of June 2024.
Krista Power
City Clerk
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