March 17, 2015 - Heavy load restrictions will come into effect for the City of Thunder Bay beginning at 8 am on Friday, March 20.

Heavy load restrictions are put into place annually to protect City roads from damage during the spring thaw. The restrictions apply to all streets within the City of Thunder Bay limits with the exception of the streets or portions of streets listed in the attachment below, which shall be exempt:

Reduced Load Period - Highway Exemptions  Adobe PDF, 2 pages, 122 KB 

The above date is dependent upon weather conditions and is subject to change. Changes may be made in conjunction with any changes to dates as established by the Ministry of Transportation, which is expected to put its annual heavy load restriction in place for provincial highways later this month.

Your co-operation in preventing excessive damage to our City streets is appreciated. To view a reduced loads exemption restrictions map visit For more information or to obtain a print or fax copy of the above list, contact the Engineering Division at 625-2266.

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Contact: Ryan Love, Traffic Technologist - Engineering, 625-2265