WHEREAS, Rett Syndrome (RS) is a neurological disorder that is seem almost exclusively in females and is believed to occur in 1:10,000 female births. Parents believe that they have a healthy child and the symptoms do not spear until a regression between six and eighteen months of age; and
WHEREAS, throughout their lives these courageous children will need total are and constant support from their family; they will combat many medical challenges. They may have seizures, osteoporosis, scoliosis, breath holding; hyperventilation, nutritional problems and so much more. Apraxia, which is the inability to motor plan, is one of the most challenging aspects of rett Syndrome along with loss speech; and
WHEREAS, in 1999 it was discovered that Rett Syndrome is primarily caused by a sporadic mutation in the MECP2 gene on the X chromosome, and since this discovery there are many research projects taking place across Ontario and Canada;
WHEREAS; as thre is no Canadian Rett Syndrome Association, the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (ORSA) has members from many provinces across Canada and though donations and fundraising efforts the O.R.S.A finances the Canadian Rett Syndrome Registry, has funded over $500,00 in Canadian Rett syndrome research projects and financially supports the 3 Rett Clinics in Ontario (Ottawa, Toronto and London). The Rett Syndrome clinics provide direct critical support to the families and their child on care and management issues
NOW THEREFORE, I, Bill Mauro, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim October 2020 as Rett Syndrome Awareness Month in the City of Thunder Bay. I urge all citizens to give full consideration and attention to the work of the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association
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