May 16, 2017 - As part of the City of Thunder Bay's response to the Recommendations from the Seven Youth Inquest Jury, the City has been working with the Thunder Bay Police Service, Northern Nishnawbe Education Council, Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School, Keewaytinnok Okimakinak, Independent First Nations Alliance, Shibogama and Matawa Learning Centre, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, CN Rail Police, CP Rail Police, and Shelter House to improve river safety for youth in the city.

Inquest Recommendation #115 calls for named parties to conduct safety audits of the river areas frequented by Indigenous students and youth in the evenings, and identify recommendations to improve safety.

"We have been working together since January 2017 to develop Terms of Reference to guide the implementation of this Recommendation," said Lee-Ann Chevrette, Crime Prevention Council Coordinator. "The group identified three priority locations, including sections along McVicar Creek, the Neebing River and the Kaministiquia River, where youth are known to gather."

The group has invited Barry Horrobin, Safety & Security Specialist with the Windsor Police Service, to lead some training in CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), with a specific focus on naturalized areas, and to lead the safety audits.

Mr. Horrobin has worked with Thunder Bay Police Service and the City of Thunder Bay on several occasions to lead CPTED training and safety audits, including the Comprehensive Safety & Security Assessment for the South Core Neighbourhood.

The CPTED training took place Monday, May 15 with 48 individuals in attendance, representing all the named parties on the Recommendation, as well as additional groups that support youth.

Night-time safety audits were conducted at all three locations late Monday evening. Daytime safety audits at the three locations are being conducted today.

Mr. Horrobin will compile a report, which will identify safety deficiencies at each of these three locations, as well as recommendations to improve safety for youth and all users of these spaces.

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Contact: Lee-Ann Chevrette, Coordinator - Crime Prevention Council, 631-4422