Posted Thursday, October 07, 2021

The City of Thunder Bay is considering changes to its recreational burning permit in an effort to address concerns that have been raised from some residents. An online survey is available now until Oct. 18 on the city website for the public to share their views.

Administration will be reporting back to City Council on Nov. 15 with options and potential solutions for outdoor, backyard burning.

Currently, permits are $30/year for open-air burning, and allow fires between 5 pm and 12 am. This was introduced in 2009.

Any outdoor burning within the city requires a permit. Rules and regulations are strictly enforced and failure to obtain a permit or follow the permit rules results in prosecution and fine.

For more information, and to complete the survey, visit our Get Involved page.

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 Contact: Kevin Anderson, Captain - Fire Prevention, Education & Investigation, 628-4921