The City of Thunder Bay’s Parks & Open Spaces Section and the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) are looking for the public’s feedback on proposed improvements at the Mountdale/Neste Boat Launch and surrounding park area.
The Mountdale Boat launch is located on Mountdale Avenue, off Montreal Street and provides access into the Kaministiquia River and then to Lake Superior.
The LRCA and the Parks & Open Spaces Section have put together a Concept Plan which outlines proposed short term improvements including increased vegetation along the riverbank and the addition of biofiltration basins to catch and filter storm run-off water before it enters the Kaministiquia River. Also included in the Plan are long term improvements to the parking area, an accessible dock, and a viewing platform.
The LRCA has received funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada and the City of Thunder Bay to begin environmental improvements at Mountdale Boat Launch.
“The joint goal of LRCA and the Parks & Open Spaces Section at this phase of the project is to restore riparian habitat at the site and reduce sedimentation in the Kaministiquia River,” said Jessie McFadden, Watershed Stewardship Technician – LRCA.
“We encourage the people of Thunder Bay to view the Concept Plan and share their feedback of both the short and long term vision of the park area through the online survey,” said Werner Schwar, Supervisor – Parks & Open Space Planning.
The online survey is available until April 30, 2022.
For more information, to view the proposed Concept Plan, and to take part in the survey, visit:
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Contact: Werner Schwar, Supervisor – Parks & Open Space Planning, 625-3258
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