NOVEMBER 1, 2024

WHEREAS, violence continues to be the greatest gender inequality rights issue for women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals; and

WHEREAS, November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month; and

WHEREAS, In the past 12 months, the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses reported over 46 femicides; and

WHEREAS, Statistics Canada numbers show Thunder Bay has one of the highest rates of intimate partner violence per capita in the country; and

WHEREAS, Last year in Ontario, on average, every seven days a woman or child was killed by a man known to them; and

WHEREAS, Our community is committed to ending femicide and all forms of violence against women and girls; and

WHEREAS, this month and throughout the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, we acknowledge our community’s support of the Shine the Light on Woman Abuse campaign and commitment to ending violence against girls and woman: and

WHEREAS, on November 1st, the 15th Anniversary of the Shine the Light on Woman Abuse campaign, for the recognition that the feelings of blame and shame abused women so often feel, shifts from their shoulders to the shoulders of those who abuse them; and

NOW THEREFORE, I, Ken Boshcoff, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, proclaim that November 1-30, 2024, shall be known as “Shine the Light on Woman Abuse” in the City of Thunder Bay, and urge all citizens to recognize this month by taking action to support survivors of violence against women and girls and becoming part of Ontario wide efforts to end gender-based violence.


For more information please contact London Abused Women's Centre
