May 12, 2016 - Curbside collection of leaf and yard waste was delayed due to the late arrival of spring. Collection will take place between Tuesday, May 17 and Friday, May 27 on residents' regular recycling day during that two-week-period.
Homeowners are reminded that residential leaf and yard waste for curbside pickup must be stored in Kraft paper bags only. Plastic bags are not accepted. Kraft bags are available at most hardware and grocery stores.
There is no bag limit on leaf and yard waste, however bags cannot weigh more than 18 kg or 40 lbs. Grass clippings will not be accepted. Branches and twigs should be bundled in lengths no longer than one metre (three feet).
Leaf and yard waste collected at the curb is made into rich compost at the City's Solid Waste & Recycling Facility and provided free to residents each spring.
Questions about collection may be directed to Infrastructure & Operations Dispatch at 625-2195.
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Contact: Jason Sherband, Manager - Solid Waste & Recycling Services, 625-3851
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