August 5, 2016 - The City of Thunder Bay has received a commendation letter from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for standards met, and exceeded by Superior North Emergency Medical Services (SNEMS) during a recent recertification inspection.

SNEMS was successful in meeting the legislated requirements for certification as a land ambulance operator in the Province of Ontario. The Ministry recognized that SNEMS continues working collaboratively with the Ministry to ensure excellence in ambulance services in the District/City of Thunder Bay, and to all Ontarians.

SNEMS was commended on the following areas that were observed during the inspection which was conducted June 21-22, 2016:

"¢ Preparation for the certification inspection
"¢ Level of Service
"¢ Quality assurance initiatives
"¢ Training
"¢ Vehicles

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Contact:   Don Stokes, Deputy Chief - City Operations, Superior North EMS, 807-625-4605,