National Coaches Week is underway across Canada to celebrate the tremendous positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities. National Coaches Week runs from Sept. 17 to 25. This week puts a spotlight on coaches and gives this integral, and largely volunteer part of Canadian sport, a thank you. Athletes and their parents are encouraged to say thank you to their coaches during the week by simply saying #ThanksCoach and #ThanksCoachTBay on social media. E-cards can also be sent to coaches by visiting
In celebration of National Coaches Week, the Coaches Association of Ontario has partnered with communities from across the province to deliver National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Community Clinics. Thunder Bay, as a host community, will be offering four clinics from Sept. 24 to 25.
“It’s really motivating having a coach on deck who I know is rooting for me and wants me to do my best,” said Kaitlyn Luu, member of the Thunderbolts Swim Club and recipient of two bronze medals at the Eastern Canadian Swimming Championships. “I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without their planning and support. Coaches put in lots of extra hours outside of practices, and I don’t think everyone realizes the commitment involved.”
For many local athletes, the coaches that give their time might be neighbours or a family member. This is true for Madison Clayton, a wrestler and USports silver medalist whose father Francis Clayton was her coach at Lakehead University. “Coaches are mentors and role models in our community,” said Madison. “They help us chip away at the goals we’ve set to make them more achievable. Mindset is very important and it would not have been possible to succeed without the help of my coach.”
For more information on National Coaches Week, or to register for NCCP courses, visit
Contact: Matthew Lawrence, Sport Development Coordinator, 631-6135
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