Treaties Recognition Week is held across the province from Nov. 6 – 12, to recognize the importance of treaties and bring awareness to the treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the province of Ontario.

Thunder Bay is part of the Robinson-Superior Treaty signed in 1850. A plaque is displayed in City Hall lobby recognizing this treaty and reflecting the City’s continued commitment to fostering respectful relations and working with Indigenous partners.

“We are all treaty people,” said Alain Joseph, Acting Manager – Indigenous Relations. “Treaties have impacted each of us no matter our origin. It’s important we understand this shared history and its present day impacts so that we can continue our journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. This week is a reminder that it is imperative we continue to support and work with Indigenous partners, creating respectful, inclusive relations throughout the city.”

In addition to those from the Robinson-Superior Treaty, Thunder Bay includes those from neighbouring communities Treaty 3 territory, Treaty 9 territory, and beyond. Each Treaty is unique and residents are encourage to learn more about the Treaties in Ontario.

“We can use this week to educate ourselves,” added Joseph. “I encourage everyone to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the treaty relationship and the contributions made by Indigenous peoples to our city.”

Residents can follow the City’s Indigenous Relations Facebook Page ( which will be sharing community events throughout the week and visit the City website ( to access virtual learning materials. Residents are also encouraged to promote Treaties Recognition Week through their online channels using the hashtag #TreatyON.

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Contact: Alain Joseph, Acting Manager – Indigenous Relations, 630-8278,