WHEREAS, Toastmasters International was founded on October 22, 1924, by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley in Santa Ana, California, with the mission to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders; and

WHEREAS, for 100 years, Toastmasters International has grown into a global organization with more than 16,000 clubs in 145 countries, serving over 350,000 members; and

WHERAS, the organization’s impact has been profound, providing countless individuals in Thunder Bay and beyond with the skills and confidence necessary to excel in personal and professional endeavors; and

WHEREAS, Toastmasters International has played a significant role in fostering a supportive environment where individuals from Thunder Bay can develop their communication and leadership abilities, ultimately contributing to the betterment of communities across the state; and

WHEREAS, the 100th Anniversary of Toastmasters International offers an opportunity to celebrate the organization's rich history, acknowledge its contributions to society, and inspire a new generation of leaders.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Ken Boshcoff, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim, October 2024 as Toastmasters International 100th Anniversary month in the City of Thunder Bay.



For more information please contact Toastmasters International
