September 8, 2016 - The City of Thunder Bay's popular Treasure Exchange Days return this weekend, September 10 and 11, giving residents a chance to discover one-of-a-kind treasures while reducing waste.
Anyone with gently-used items they wish to give away can leave them out on the curb any time after 5 pm, on Friday, Sept. 9. Clearly label the items FREE. Over the weekend, residents are encouraged to tour their neighbourhoods to see what treasures they can find.
"We've received a lot of positive feedback about Treasure Exchange Days from City residents," said Jason Sherband, Manager - Solid Waste & Recycling Services. "We encourage residents to participate in this city-wide exchange event, the second this year and the fifth since Treasure Exchange Days began."
Popular exchange day items include sporting goods, small appliances, books, art, tools, toys and furniture. Remember to keep items that aren't giveaways - such as bikes, toys and tools - well away from the curb to avoid misunderstandings.
Anything that isn't taken by treasure hunters must be removed from the curb by Sunday, Sept. 11 at 7 pm. Items left at the curb are subject to enforcement as per City By-laws. They will not be collected by the City and must be taken in or delivered and donated to second hand/re-use shops.
Treasure Exchange Days are an action item from the Solid Waste Management Strategy and support our community's efforts to reduce waste.
For more information, visit:
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Contact: Jason Sherband, Manager - Solid Waste & Recycling Services, 625-3851
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