The City will be making changes to some programs and facilities to comply with provincial regulations, address reduced demand, mitigate negative financial implications and limit the risk of exposure and spread of COVID-19.

The City of Thunder Bay remains in Grey: Lockdown (maximum measures) of the Province's COVID-19 Response Framework, and only essential City services are operating during this time.

The following service level changes will be made for recreation facilities:

Indoor Arenas – currently closed in ‘Grey’, remaining winter ice to be consolidated

In response to the reduced demand for ice and cancellation of the remainder of the winter season by major ice user groups, the following changes will be made:

  • Ice plants will be shut down at 5 City-operated indoor arenas (Neebing, Delaney, Port Arthur, Grandview and Fort William Gardens)
  • All remaining winter ice bookings will be consolidated to Current River Arena, subject to resuming operations in a level below ‘Grey’ prior to April 11
  • Summer ice will begin on April 11 at Current River Arena, subject to Thunder Bay moving to ‘Red - Control’ or lower
  • Fort William Curling Club ice will continue to be maintained until the end of the curling season

Deferred reopening of some facilities and programs

Older Adults facilities and associated in-person programs at 55 Plus Centre and West Arthur Community Centre will remain closed until the region moves to ‘Orange - Restrict’.

While these facilities and in-person programs remain closed, the following programs/services will continue:

  • Telephone assurance and chat line
  • Various health and wellness virtual workshops
  • Monthly Good Food Box pick-up
  • Income Tax Program
  • River Street Café for curbside pick-up

Youth Inclusion Neighbourhood Programming will not resume until ‘Orange – Restrict’.  Virtual programming and referrals and outreach through Youth Navigators and will continue.

Volunteer Pool will remain closed until Thunder Bay is permitted to reopen in ‘Yellow – Protect’ level, or the start of a planned temporary maintenance shutdown of Churchill Pool this summer.

Spring program registration

Registration is open for spring programs, but staff are reminding participants that programs may be delayed, shortened or cancelled depending on the level of reopening in place at that time.

For a listing of impacted services, visit our A-Z page. City updates are posted to this page as they are announced. All residents are asked to follow public health guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19.  


Contact: Leah Prentice, Director – Recreation & Culture, 629-4678