MAY 21-27, 2023
WHEREAS, The Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada is a charitable community-based health care organization that has addressed community health and social needs for over 125 years; and
WHEREAS, VON Thunder Bay nurses, home support workers, community service coordinators and many other staff and volunteers have been caring for the lives and well-being of residents of Thunder Bay and District since 1944 (and before) and VON’s nursing, health promotion and support services make a contribution to the health care system in Ontario; and
NOW THEREFORE, I Ken Boshcoff, the Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim May 21-27, 2023 as “VON Week” in the City of Thunder Bay. I would like to encourage all residents of the City of Thunder Bay to support VON and our community by sharing positive messages and financially supporting VON Thunder Bay’s charitable programs.
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