Work on Thunder Bay’s second inclusive play hub has begun, replacing the Vickers Park playground with improved and expanded equipment.

This project will fulfill the City’s plans to provide fully accessible playgrounds in Thunder Bay’s north and south ends, building on the successful launch of the inclusive play hub at Boulevard Lake in 2022. The new equipment will allow people of all ages and abilities to use the playground.

Work is scheduled for completion in late June, dependent on weather conditions.

During construction, two swing sets on the northeast corner of the park will remain open, while all other equipment will be removed. The turtle play structure in the  park will be refurbished and replaced.

Park users can continue to visit Vickers Park during construction, but the southeast portion of the park will be closed.

The renewal of the playground continues a long tradition of providing recreation opportunities at Vickers Park, which was donated to the Town of Fort William by the Vickers family in 1902. The park is designated as a heritage property.


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Contact:       Werner Schwar, Supervisor – Parks & Open Space Planning, 807-620-7611,