WHEREAS, the City of Thunder Bay embraces a vision of a connected, healthy, vibrant, and strong community for children, youth, families and people of all ages; and

WHEREAS, the City of Thunder Bay recognizes and values that all Thunder Bay youth have the potential to make a positive contribution to our community; and

WHEREAS, the Recreation & Culture Division promotes opportunities for youth to invest in and influence the future of our community through personal development and civic engagement; and

WHEREAS, the City of Thunder Bay acknowledges the vital role of youth in the continued prosperity and renewal of our community; and

WHEREAS, Youth Week and Youth Arts Week are a celebration of the accomplishments and talents of youth in our community, along with the possibilities available to them.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Bill Mauro, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim the week of May 1 - 7, 2019 as Youth Week and Youth Arts Week in the City of Thunder Bay.