Culture Days
Culture Days is an annual national celebration that has become one of the Country's largest participatory cultural events. Each year, millions of people participate in arts and cultural events across the Country.
Participants join in a three week long series of incredible free, or pay-what-you-may, activities and performances hosted by artists, cultural organizations and the City. This event gives behind-the-scenes access to local arts, culture and heritage.
The City participates each year as a local organizer of Culture Days events. There's something for everyone!
In 2025, Culture Days will run from September 19th - October 12th.
Visit our Arts & Culture Under the Lights page to learn more about our free to attend launch event that kicks of Culture Days. This event features an evening of dance and musical performances, artisans, displays, and activities that celebrated the rich culture of our city!
Check out our Culture Days Hub Profile to see all of our great events for 2025!
If you are an event organizer, use the Culture Days Dashboard to post your events, and please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!
Culture Days 2024 Recognition

Thunder Bay has been recognized on the Culture Days 2024 Top Participating Communities Listing!
Each year, Culture Days releases a highly anticipated ranking of communities from across the country with the most registered Culture Days programs and events. Thunder Bay ranked 5th among Mid-Size Cities with an impressive 80+ events organized for the 2024 festival!
This is an amazing achievement, thanks to the incredible effort and dedication of our community partners. Being included as a top participating community is a reflection of the hard work, creativity, and passion within our city.
This recognition also affirms that Thunder Bay is a community of active champions and supporters of local arts, culture, and heritage initiatives.
Culture Days 2024 |
Ongoing |
Culture Days 2023 |
Arts & Culture Under the Lights (City of Thunder Bay)
The Art of the Mushroom (CAHEP in Partnership with the City of Thunder Bay) |
Culture Days 2022 |
Thank you for participating in Culture Days 2022! Below are a few highlights of different things that happened in the community during Culture Days in 2022. Culture Days is a national celebration where arts, culture, and creativity intersect. Indoors, outdoors, and online — discover the world of arts and culture! Re-imagined to engage and delight despite the times, Culture Days extended beyond the traditional weekend to a 4-week interactive, immersive arts and culture experience happening in-person where possible, and online. World Dance Collective at Goods & Co MarketExperience the vibrant and captivating movements of different world dance cultures! The World Dance Collective will be offering four free dance sessions that will include performances as well as opportunities for an interactive dance-along. Enjoy music and choreographed routines in the styles of Flamenco, Bollywood, Latin, and dances from the Middle East. World Cultural Dance at Marina ParkThis group of cultural dancers will take you through the amazing music and dance of the Middle East and many other countries across the world. Enjoy the dance of other countries with our troupe of dedicated dancers. Explore the many facets of other cultures and enjoy sharing with the rest of the world while watching our performance. They aim to explore and share many different cultures bringing inclusiveness to the city and its multicultural make up. National Day for Truth & Reconciliation at Various Event LocationsSeptember 30 will be reserved for Truth & Reconciliation events and activities that celebrate Indigenous culture. The following are just some of the activities happening on the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation:
Up Close & Personal with V2 Cello Duo at the Lakehead University Jean McNulty Recital HallCaptivating audiences with their expert playing skills and their energetic, innovative approach, VC2 Cello Duo will be in town to give a Consortium Aurora Borealis concert Saturday evening October 1 at St. Paul’s United. As a treat, they are offering a glimpse into their exciting musical life, through their intriguing “Up Close and Personal” presentation earlier that afternoon. This special educational event combines chat with playing of musical excerpts, in their inimitable style. Cellists Bryan Holt and Amahl Arulanandam convey “an enthusiasm that is catching”, appealing to all ages, including youth, bringing people to the edge of their seat! They quickly win audience’s hearts both with their virtuosic playing skills and their warm, witty and humorous patter about their music and experiences, drawing many chuckles and smiles. Learn more here. Baggage Building Arts Centre Culture Days CelebrationThe City's Recreation & Culture Division is hosting a free Culture Days event on Sunday, October 2nd from 1:00 - 4:00 pm at the Baggage Building Arts Centre. Join us for an afternoon of live music and intergenerational arts programming featuring:
Culture Days at Thunder Bay MuseumThe Thunder Bay Museum is hosting multiple events during Culture Days, including pay what you can admission, free kids colouring activities, a free public lecture and behind the scenes tours! Learn more here The Red Chair Sessions (Opening Reception by Nadya Nwandibens) at the Thunder Bay Art GalleryThis opening reception will feature an artist talk with artist, Nadya Kwandibens and launch her exhibition, The Red Chair Sessions. The Red Chair Sessions is an ongoing open-call portraiture series by Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) artist Nadya Kwandibens from the Animakee Wa Zhing #37 First Nation in Northwestern Ontario. The series places importance on the acknowledgement and reclamation of Indigenous lands and the revitalization of Indigenous languages. Learn more here. Thunder Bay Public LibrarysThe Thunder Bay Public Library is hosting a variety of events during Culture Days, including book launches and signings at the Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre! Learn more here! City of Thunder Bay 55 Plus CentreThe 55 Plus Centre is hosting a variety of activities during Culture Days, including drop in painting classes, oil & acrylic classes and line dancing! Learn more here! |
Culture Days 2020 |
Thank you for participating in Culture Days online, September 25 to October 25, 2020! Below are a few highlights of different things that happened in the community during Culture Days in 2020. Culture Days is a national celebration where arts, culture, and creativity intersect. Indoors, outdoors, and online — discover the world of arts and culture! Reimagined to engage and delight despite the times, Culture Days extended beyond the traditional weekend to a 4-week interactive, immersive arts and culture experience happening in-person where possible, and online. Art Projects with the Community Arts & Heritage Education ProjectParticipate in the following art projects led by artists of the Community Arts & Heritage Education Project (CAHEP)! Lakeshore at NightYou will be guided through chalk pastel tips and techniques to create a piece of art capturing the beauty of the lakeshore at night! View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. Nature StampingTake a trip outdoors and learn how to stamp using natural objects. View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. Comic Book ArtWork on a 3-panel comic! Get tips and pointers to send you on your path to make your own comic! View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. Friendship BraceletsCreate your own bracelet to share with a friend! View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. The Beauty of Nature in PaperCreate your own beautiful collage using modge podge and colourful scrap paper! View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. FIMO FishSculpt your very own colourful fish using FIMO clay! View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. A Tale of Two CitiesPaint an abstract “Tale of Two Cities” using acrylics to create a multi-panel work of art! View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. Thunder Bay TreesUsing acrylics, create a painting of Thunder Bay trees! View the materials you will need to follow along to this art project. Porch Dances - Neighbours and friends dancing together, from afar!Dance in your own space! Be creative, and modify the dance moves to suit your space. Get dancing with friends and neighbours with Community Arts & Heritage Education Project (CAHEP) and the City of Thunder Bay! Please note: if you live in another neighbourhood in Thunder bay not listed above, but still would like to participate, please contact us directly! Workshops with Willow Springs Creative CentreWeaving Nature and WordsParticipants will string a simple loom and then using natural elements and their own words they will weave a story of how they feel about these past few months and what the believe the future holds for themselves and others. Suitable for people 10 to 90+ years of age. Hand dexterity an asset. View the materials you will need to follow along with this activity. Inspirational Willow Word SignParticipants will be led through creating a simple willow and cedar sign featuring an inspirational word for these strange times we are living through. The signs can be hung in their home or outside in their yard. Makes a great gift as well. Suitable for people 6 to 90+ years of age. Ability to grip a hammer and pruning shear an asset. Best to come with a partner to work with on the project (mother and child, grandpa and grandchild, best friends, etc. someone in your bubble). View the materials you will need to follow along with this activity. Blind Contour Portrait DrawingArtist Julia Tribe will lead participants through creating a self portrait using marker and water-colour paints. So much fun, so interesting and freeing! This session will give you an opportunity to see yourself in this moment of changing times. Virtual participants will need: A clear table to work on with good light, masking tape, a container of water, and a piece of cardboard or wood in which they can tape their piece of paper. Etched Metal StarsUsing aluminium sheets, participants will create etched, three dimensional stars with intricate designs. We will make a wish upon each star made for the coming months. Suitable for people 8 to 90+ years of age. Ability to grip a pen and to exert pressure with it necessary. View the materials you will need to follow along with this activity. Digital Doors Open Thunder BayOne city. Fifty years. Explore some of our city’s most unique structures and heritage sites as we celebrate the amalgamation of Fort William and Port Arthur 50 years ago, which resulted in the formation of the City of Thunder Bay. Learn about our history, culture and community initiatives through images and videos that will engage people of all ages. |
Culture Days 2019 |
Thank you for participating in Culture Days weekend, September 27, 28, and 29, 2019! Below are a few highlights of different things that happened in the community during Culture Days in 2019. Print your Culture Days 2019 Schedule and Passport Passport ProgramThe Culture Days passport is designed to help you navigate your way to different activities being hosted for Culture Days around Thunder Bay. All activities are free or Pay-What-You May. The passport contains a list of events being offered. The passport can also be used as a transit pass for the duration of the Culture Days weekend. This transit pass is:
Enter to winYou could win a Culture Days passport prize package valued at $100! The passport is also designed so that you can take part in our Culture Days passport prize draw. To be entered to win: Take a selfie at two Culture Days events listed on this passport, then share and tag either:
OR Collect two signatures on this passport from activity providers. Then, drop your passport off at either:
Contest closes Sunday, September 29, 2019 at 6pm. Culture Days 2019 Highlights
Culture Days 2018 |
Here are some highlights from Culture Days 2018! Indian Horse - Free Screening w/ Edna ManitowabiSaturday September 29th | 3pm - 5:30pm at Magnus Theatre Join the City this Culture Days | Fête de la culture for a free screening of the film 'Indian Horse' and discussion with actor Edna Manitowabi. ACTOR TALK AND Q&A Northern Lights (a UFO Documentary) - Premiere w/ Dee McCullaySaturday September 29th | 10:30am at Magnus Theatre Join the City this Culture Days | Fête de la culture for the premiere of Northern Lights (A UFO Documentary). This will be followed by an artist talk and Q&A session with Director Dee McCullay - Dark History of Thunderstryker Films. Get 'behind-the-scenes' insight into the film-making process. YAAP Artist Talk and Film Screening w/ Benjamin MurraySaturday September 29th | 1:30pm - 2:30pm @ Magnus Theatre Musician, artist and producer Benjamin Murray has been selected as one of the 2018 participants in the Ontario Culture Days Youth Artist Ambassador Program (YAAP). Waterfront Public Art & Cultural Heritage WalkSaturday September 29th | 10:30am - 12:30pm Join the City this Culture Days | Fête de la culture for a guided walk through history and contemporary art. The walk will highlight key public art installations and heritage structures in Marina Park, the harbour and parts of the Waterfront District. #OnBeat themed EventsFranco-Festival | September 27, 28, 29th Open Rehearsals and Interactive Workshops at Morgan's School | September 30th, 1pm - 3pm Boogie Down with Dream Dance | September 28th, 2:30pm - 3:30pm & 3:45pm - 4:45pm Adult Creative Movement and Dance & Family Move and Groovewith Image Studio | September 29th The Gryphon Trio: Up Close and Personal! | September 29th, 2pm - 3:30pm Soundwalk - Ways of Listening (led by Artist: Zoe Gordon) | September 30th, 1pm - 2pm Chinese Erhu Music | September 30th, 2pm - 4pm Argentine Tango with Tango North | September 30th, 7pm - 9pm Plus many more activities from local organizers! |
Culture Days 2017 |
Highlights from last year's event: The tale of a town - multi-media performanceTale of a Town completed their three-week residency culminated in the presentation of a multimedia performance of stories from the community's colourful history, incorporating audio, archives, music and soundscape! Open StreetsFrom noon to 3pm on Sunday, October 1, EcoSuperior opened up Court Street from John all the way to Boulevard Lake for pedestrians, cyclists, rollerbladers, skateboarders and dog walkers. There were special Culture Days activities all along the route! Fall Pow Wow - Bringing Community TogetherFrom noon to 10pm on Saturday, September 30th, Fort William First Nation hosted their Fall Pow Wow at the Pow Wow Grounds on Anemki Wajiw-Mount McKay. Grand Entry was at noon. The theme was Bringing Community Together. Movie Night Screening of Sleeping GiantThe City presented a special screening of locally-made feature film Sleeping Giant. To open, there was a screening of the short film The Giant Awakens made this summer by the Thunder Bay Art Gallery's Youth Art Group! Many thanks to our 2017 Sponsor:CBC Thunder Bay |
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