Call to Artists - Public Art Installations
Introduction and Background
Thunder Bay Police Service is pleased to offer an opportunity for artists, or artist teams to create artwork to be displayed on exterior windows of the Thunder Bay Police Service headquarters, located at 1200 Balmoral Street, Thunder Bay ON.
The Thunder Bay Police Service and the Thunder Bay Police Service Board have produced this public art opportunity in the spirit of healing, and truth & reconciliation. In accordance with the Gawendum Gaakina Awaya Reconciliation Training of the Thunder Bay Police Service, this public art opportunity will outwardly reflect the ongoing internal truth & reconciliation efforts of the Thunder Bay Police Service. This call to artists is open to Indigenous artists who reside in or are connected to Thunder Bay and/or the surrounding region. Artwork will be chosen through an open competition, with a single artist or artist team's design selected.
Project funding is provided by the Thunder Bay Police Service, along with Clean, Green, and Beautiful's Emerging Projects Grant. Other funders may be included in the project prior to finalization.
Invitation to Artists and Eligibility |
Invitation to ArtistsArtists and Artist teams are invited to submit a proposal for visual artwork to be applied to exterior 2nd-floor windows of the Thunder Bay Police Service Headquarters. The artwork chosen will be printed on adhesive-backed vinyl and applied to select windows. Nine (9) windows in total will have artwork applied. Seven (7) of these windows will respond to the theme “Seven Grandfather Teachings”, while two (2) flanking windows will have the Gawendum Gaakina Awaya logo with the text “Gawendum Gaakina Awaya” on one with the translation in English “to protect everyone and everything” on the other (the required logos and texts can be found in the appendix). Artist EligibilityApplicants must identify as Indigenous, and live, work, or attend school in Thunder Bay or the surrounding region. Applicants who currently reside outside of Thunder Bay and the surrounding region but can demonstrate that Thunder Bay has played a direct role in their success are also eligible to apply. Both emerging artists/artist teams and more established artists/artist teams are equally welcome to apply. |
Design Scope |
Theme and StatementThis public art opportunity will honour the spirit of truth and reconciliation, in accordance with the Gawendum Gaakina Awaya Reconciliation Training. Proposals are to respond to the theme of Seven Grandfather Teachings, with subject matter and inspiration taken from the following: The Seven Grandfather Teachings
With two flanking windows to reflect Gawendum Gaakina Awaya meaning “to protect everyone and everything.” Artists are encouraged to creatively engage with the theme and to submit proposals for the full set of 9 windows that interpret the theme with innovation and imagination. The selected design for the windows will be installed and unveiled to the public at the Thunder Bay Police Service Headquarters in Summer 2025. Submissions should: • Be an original design that is respectful and suitable for all audiences. • Showcase colour, design, technique, and creativity. During the online submission process, you will need to transfer (cut and paste) a vision/artistic merit statement explaining your proposed design and how it relates to the theme. Include details on what this project represents to you, the connection between your work and this project, and what perspective you bring to this project. You will also need to explain how your work is suitable for public art. For teams: explain your collaborations and how you intend to work together on this project. |
Project Specifications |
Design Considerations
Design Finalization - Roles and Responsibilities |
Budget |
The proposed budget for the set of 9 exterior window designs is $10,500.00. A budget breakdown must be provided during the submission process. The Thunder Bay Police Service is not responsible for any costs incurred by the artist(s) in the proposal stage. Budget ItemsArtist Fee
Copyright fee, as outlined in this document. Digitization of image to the specifications of the printing company
TOTAL (Not to exceed $10,500.00) All applicable taxes (HST 13%) If Applicable: You will have the opportunity to provide an additional cost for the purchase of finalized, original artwork. Artwork must be presented to the Thunder Bay Police Service professionally framed, wired, and ready for display. |
Timeline |
The selected artist or artist team is responsible for providing the Thunder Bay Police Service with completed digital artwork by May 9, 2025.
Submission Requirements |
A complete application package must be submitted online by the deadline to be considered. Artists in a team must submit their proposal as one package. The submission must: • Indicate the size(s). • Be appropriate as public art and suitable for a family audience. • Be complete and should comply with the following requirements: o All files included in the online submission package should be labelled as follows: CTA202402_Description of file contents_YourName. o Submission materials must be in .pdf format with support material in .jpg format. Total combined size of attachments cannot exceed 5MB. o NOTE: Links to external document sharing sites will not be accepted. The Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all submissions. Artists may be requested to provide additional information. The Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right to negotiate with the selected artist(s). Fax/phone/email submissions will not be accepted. |
Submission Checklist |
Please have the following items ready to upload for your online application: PERSONAL INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS a. The full name, address, postal code, phone/cell number(s), email, of artist/artist team lead. Name of each team member, if applicable. b. Note that the online submission indicates that each team member has read and accepted the competition procedures as outlined in this document. ARTIST/ARTIST TEAM BIO (RESUME / CV) a. One (1) resume for every artist in the team. b. Please detail training, exhibitions commissions of your artwork, and any other experience relevant to this opportunity. (Previous experience producing public art is not a requirement). c. For multiple artists or teams, please upload all resumes as one PDF file. Maximum 4 pages. d. Accepted file type: PDF. Maximum file size is 1MB. e. Please label file as follows: CTA202402_Resume_YourName.pdf PAST WORK AND PROJECTS (Max 6 images) a. Examples of past work or projects. If possible, should include examples of a similar nature to the work being proposed. b. Artist teams must include examples from each team member. c. Please label file as follows: CTA202402_Support Material1_YourName_Details.jpg b. All images should be clearly identified, numbered, and detailed in the file name. VISION/ARTISTIC CONCEPT (1250 characters max.) a. The statement must explain how the proposed design relates to your chosen theme. Include details about how this opportunity inspires you, the connection between your work and this project and what perspective you bring to the project. b. If submitting multiple pieces clearly indicate which piece you are referring to. c. For teams: explain your collaborations and how you intend to work together on this project. APPROPRIATNESS AS PUBLIC ART (1250 characters max.) a. Explanation of how your work is suitable for public art by focusing on two key aspects:
SUBMISSION DRAWINGS / VISUAL MATERIALS (Max 4 images/files) a. Depicts the design(s) and gives clarity to the submission/project description. b. Please label file as follows: CTA202402_Submission Drawing1_YourName.jpg Budget The lump sum amount of $10,500.00 cover the public art’s design and installation expenses, including but not limited to, excluding HST: Artist Fee Copyright fee, as outlined in this document. Digitization of image to the specifications of the printing company
TOTAL (Not to exceed $10,500.00) All applicable taxes (HST 13%) If Applicable: You will have the opportunity to provide an additional cost for the purchase of finalized, original artwork. Artwork must be presented to the Thunder Bay Police Service professionally framed, wired, and ready for display. |
Selection Process & Criteria |
All submissions will be pre-screened to ensure completeness and eligibility as per the submission requirements, project specifications, timeline, and budget. The Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all submissions. Proposals that are deemed complete and eligible will be reviewed by a jury of qualified people, including members of the Thunder Bay Police Service, Chiefs Indigenous Advisory Council, Elders Committee, and where applicable, members of the local arts community. The jury may invite non-voting technical advisors to assist with the selection process at its discretion. The review will be based on the criteria set out in the following table.
Terms and Agreements |
By submitting an online application, the artist/artist teams agree to the following regarding this Public Art Opportunity: CopyrightThe Thunder Bay Police Service will purchase the rights of the selected artist(s) Artwork to install it on the Thunder Bay Police Service Headquarters exterior windows. In addition to all submission requirements outlined in this Call to Artists, the selected artist(s) are required to consent to the following copyright terms: Ownership of the selected Artwork(s), in digital and printed forms, will vest in the Thunder Bay Police Service upon final written acceptance of the finalized design(s) by the Thunder Bay Police Service. The artist warrants that they are the owner of the copyright in and to the Artwork(s) and have not transferred the copyright to a third Party. Copyright in the Artwork(s), including the digital image(s), will be transferred to the Thunder Bay Police Service for the promotional purposes as outlined in this Request for Proposal and additionally, in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, for cataloguing, government publications, insurance, documentation, public relations or other publicity purposes. If the Artwork(s) are reproduced by the Thunder Bay Police Service for any of the listed purposes, the Thunder Bay Police Service will use reasonable efforts to indicate the name of the Artist(s) in the publication for which the reproduction was created. Artist(s) may reproduce the Artwork(s) with the Thunder Bay Police Service prior written approval for publicity purposes only, and if they choose to do so, ownership credit must be given to the Thunder Bay Police Service as ‘THE THUNDER BAY POLICE SERVICE’. Despite this, the Artist(s) may include photos of the Artwork(s) in presentations and portfolios evidencing their work without the prior written approval of the Thunder Bay Police Service. The Artist(s) will not reproduce the Artwork(s) for any other client or purchaser. Proponent CovenantI/we as the undersigned authorized signing officer of the proponent, hereby declare that no person or studio other than the one(s) represented by the signature(s) below, has any interest in this submission. I/we further declare that all statements, schedules, and other information provided in this submission are true, complete and accurate in all respects to the best knowledge and belief of the proponent. I/we understand that this may result in the rejection of my/our submission if this declaration is found to be untrue. I/we have received, allowed for and included as part of our submission all issued Addenda. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the proponent of the conditions contained in this Request for Proposal, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal and in any contract between the Thunder Bay Police Service and the firm(s) selected. Information For All Proponents (Artists)The Thunder Bay Police Service has the right to negotiate with the proponent that presents the most attractive proposal. Thunder Bay Police Service shall have the final authority on all matters regarding this Request for Proposal. Late proposals MAY NOT be accepted. All equipment/materials specified in this proposal is/are subject to budget approval by Thunder Bay Police Service and Budget Funding. Quantities may be adjusted and/or items cancelled based on availability of funding. All proposals, including 3-dimensional support materials, submitted to the Thunder Bay Police Service become the property of the Thunder Bay Police Service and, as such, are subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Thunder Bay Police Service will not use/disclose the information provided, without proper authorization, and will keep the information in a physically secure location to which access is given only to staff requiring access. Copyright of submitted support materials will remain with the artist, save and except for the Thunder Bay Police Service's right to reproduce the artwork in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, for cataloguing, government publications, insurance, documentation, public relations or publicity purposes. If the artwork is reproduced by the Thunder Bay Police Service for any of the listed purposes, the Thunder Bay Police Service will use reasonable efforts to indicate the name of the Artist thereon. Rights Reserved by The Thunder Bay Police ServiceThe Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right to be the sole judge as to the calculation of basis of award and has the right to award this contract in whole or in part, that which is deemed most advantageous to the Thunder Bay Police Service. The Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right, without prejudice, to reject any or all submissions in whole or in part, to waive technical defects, irregularities, and omissions and to determine, in its own best judgement, the proponent best qualified to undertake this contract, if, in so doing, the best interests of the Thunder Bay Police Service will be served. The Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right to terminate the contract without notice due to non-performance and unsatisfactory Service. The Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right to call in alternate Service if the proponent is unable to provide the service when it is requested. The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to be the sole judge of the acceptability of any proposal, and also any alternative proposal, and to purchase the service/product which, in its opinion, most closely meets the operating requirements of the Thunder Bay Police Service. The decision of the Evaluation Committee shall be final and without recourse. The lowest cost proposal will not necessarily be accepted, and the Thunder Bay Police Service reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and/or re-issue the RFP in its original or revised form. Late SubmissionsSubmissions are date/time stamped upon their receipt through the online application form. Materials received after the deadline may not be considered. The Thunder Bay Police Service will assume no responsibility for submissions that are not received though the online application form by the specified closing date and time. Please contact Matthew Vis, Media Relations Coordinator, by email prior to the deadline if you require special accommodations or assistance with the above requirements. |
Further Information |
If you require further information about this opportunity, please submit your questions by email to Matthew Vis, Media Relations Coordinator, |
Appendix |
Gawendum Gaakina Awaya Logo
Image of Thunder Bay Police Headquarters featuring windows
Window dimensions Texts
Submission Instructions
Please contact prior to the deadline if you require special accommodations, or assistance with the submission requirements, including hard copy submission.
NOTE: Links to external document sharing sites will not be accepted. Submission materials must be included in your online application via attachment in .pdf format with support material in .jpg format through the online application process. Ensure that all submitted documents include the project reference number CTA2024-02.
Submissions that do not comply with these requirements may not be considered.
Please submit your application for any or all the public art installation areas in this call using the online application process below:
Gawendum Gaakina Awaya - Call to Artists
Submission Deadline: 4:00 pm EST, Friday, February 28, 2025
Contact Us