Thunder Bay Heritage Advisory Committee

This Committee was originally established in 1977 as LACAC - The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee - to provide City Council with recommendations regarding the designating of heritage buildings and areas. The current name Heritage Advisory Committee in its form today was officially adopted by City Council in March 2004.


Preserving our Past, sustaining our present and inspiring for the future.


The Heritage Advisory Committee advises City Council on the protection of Thunder Bay's built and natural cultural heritage. The committee educates and promotes awareness of this heritage, so that future planning and development take into consideration the rich history of these assets.

The committee works to:

  • Identify heritage resources and evaluates their condition and community value
  • Recommend by-laws to designate heritage properties and by-laws to establish policies, processes and programs for the conservation of heritage resources
  • Review, monitor and take proactive actions on a property-by-property or area wide basis
  • Promote heritage and programs to advise City Council and the public of the value of heritage resources, to encourage awareness, appreciation, volunteer involvement and participation in heritage conservation activities.



The Heritage Advisory Committee welcomes anyone interested in our city's historic buildings, cultural heritage properties and landscapes, to attend our meetings. Meeting details are available on the Events Calendar.  

You can contact a Committee member to learn more about what you can do to help ensure that our unique and irreplaceable past remains a vital part of our future.

Additional questions regarding meetings should be directed to the Office of the City Clerk, Council & Committee Clerk for the Heritage Advisory Committee at 807-625-2897.

Heritage Advisory Committee Members

Andrew Cotter (Chair) - Citizen appointee
Phone: 807-473-3063


Douglas Yahn (Vice-Chair) - Cultural heritage professional appointee


Jennifer Bonazzo - Citizen appointee


Carla Chisel - Citizen representative from the Indigenous community 


Kim Costa - Thunder Bay Law Association appointee


Donna Gilhooly - Thunder Bay Historical Museum appointee


Ahsanul Habib - Citizen appointee


Councillor Greg Johnsen - Council appointee 


Shawn Kennedy - Appointee from the business community 


Heidi Strobl - Citizen appointee


Courtney Turner Young professional/post-secondary student appointee 


Vacant - Appointee from the architectural engineering community


Committee Resource Persons:

Gordon Stover - Committee & Meeting Management System Coordinator- Office of the City Clerk
Phone: 807-625-2897 


Harry Kirk Archives & Records Centre


Planning Division, City of Thunder Bay
Phone: 807-625-2543


Laurie Abthorpe - Cultural Development & Public Art Coordinator 
Phone: 807-625-2357 





The Ontario Heritage Act defines the work of Municipal Heritage Committees

Section 28. (1) The council of a municipality may, by by-law, establish a municipal heritage committee to advise and assist the council on matters relating to this Part IV (the designation of individual properties), matters relating to Part V (the designation of heritage conservation districts) and such other heritage matters as the council may specify by by-law. [2002, c.18]


 Heritage Advisory Committee Strategic Plan


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