The City's Street Event Grant assists not-for-profit organizations with costs to use City streets for events that require significant policing and notification to the public including: annual and championship sport tourism races, annual parades and non-static events that encourage exercise and recreation.


  • Financial assistance is only provided to not-for-profit organizations (incorporation or charitable status not required) and not individuals.
  • Event will attract participants and/or other visitors from out-of-town resulting in an economic impact to Thunder Bay.
  • Event is taking place on City streets and will require Extra Duty Police officers for traffic control.
  • Event is a sporting competition or part of a training camp, an annual parade or a non-static event that encourages exercise and recreation.
  • Applicant organization is not in a deficit situation.
  • Applicant organization is based locally.

    NOTE: Street festivals are not typically eligible

The ability to meet eligibility criteria does not guarantee funding. Please consult the Sport & Community Development Supervisor to ensure your eligibility and make sure the requirements of the application have been met.

Eligible costs

  1. Up to 50% of expenses related to hiring Extra Duty Police officers and dispatchers for traffic control of race or parade route on City streets.
  2. Up to 100% of expenses to purchase advertisements and/or host public meetings required by the City to inform public of street closures.

Deadlines for funding

Application must be received no later than 60 days following the event.

Please read the Street Event Grant package carefully to determine your organization's eligibility. The ability to meet eligibility criteria does not guarantee funding.


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