The role of Professional Standards is to promote high quality patient care through continuous quality improvement processes such as the continual monitoring and evaluation of the care and service paramedics provide to patients. As such, a quality assurance program is key to establishing an excellent standard of care and identifies requirements for enhanced training programs and education.

 The process of quality assurance is to develop, analyze, and maintain a comprehensive system of data collection tools that will ensure a continuous development of excellence towards patient care and the paramedic's professional development. Data may then be mined to identify areas that require enhancement and improvement. More importantly it should identify areas that are meeting or exceeding the standards of care and should be providing positive feedback and acknowledgement to the paramedics.

 Quality assurance is not simply a databased methodology, as regular interaction with paramedics, medical directors, allied agencies, and most importantly citizens ensures that the best and most important care is provided. Paramedics participate in the quality assurance program through training sessions, reviews of certain calls, and self-education.

Concerns on Emergency Medical Service or Paramedic Care

Those with concerns or complaints on emergency medical service or regarding conduct or patient care by paramedics may email the Deputy Chief, Professional Standards or call 807-625-4610. All complaints will be investigated.  Anonymous complaints, however, will not be investigated.


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