PRO Kids partners with over 200 community organizations that offer recreation activities in Thunder Bay.
Each year, PRO Kids makes over 1,200 placements of children and youth so they may access these recreational activities despite financial barriers.
PRO Kids only supports one program per child, per season. Applications are approved on a first-come, first-served basis.
Refer to the most recent issue of The Key for specific programs available.
Apply today!
- Download the Application Form.
- Check out our list of partner programs. This list is also in our recreation guide The Key.
- Write which activity your child wants to be in (e.g. Swimming) and the partner organization that runs it (e.g. Churchill Pool) on the form.
- Give us the name of a reference on the form. Someone who can speak on behalf of your financial situation. Examples: social worker, financial advisor, teacher or employer. You can also use financial statements like a pay statement, ODSP, TBDSSAB statement or Notice of Assessment summary.
- Upload the completed application here.
Google Chrome and Firefox users should follow these instructions:
- Download the Application Form.
- Application form will open in a new tab.
- Do not fill out form in this window. Instead click the "Download" button by placing the mouse over the top right corner of your screen. A tool bar will appear. Click the arrow pointing down.
- Save PDF in desired folder under desired name.
- Once saved, close browser tab with blank PDF form.
- Open the application form you saved on your computer.
- Fill our form. Save.
- Go back to the Apply page on the PRO Kids website.
- Upload the completed application here.
- Download the Application Form or pick up a paper from one of these City locations:
- Mary JL Black Library
- Waverly Library
- County Park Library
- Brodie Library
- Volunteer Pool
- Churchill Pool
- Canada Games Complex
- Victoriaville Civic Centre
- Check out our list of partner programs. This list is also in our recreation guide The Key
- Write which activity your child wants to be in (e.g. Swimming) and the partner organization that runs it (e.g. Churchill Pool) on the form.
- Give us the name of a reference on the form. Someone who can speak on behalf of your financial situation. Examples: social worker, financial advisor, teacher or employer. You can also use financial statements like a pay statement, ODSP, TBDSSAB statement or Notice of Assessment summary.
- Forms can be mailed, faxed or dropped off at:
- City of Thunder Bay
- Victoriaville Civic Centre, Recreation & Culture Division
- 111 Syndicate Ave S
- Thunder Bay ON P7E 6S4
- Fax: (807)625-1444
Please note: The door at the office location in Victoriaville is closed to walk-in customers; however, you can drop off your application in the mail box available at the Victoriaville door.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Children and youth up to the age of 18.
- Children and youth from low-income families who cannot afford to pay for registration fees.
- Children and youth who are not already registered in a paid sport or activity. PRO Kids only supports one program per child, per season.
- Yes. Each time a family requires financial assistance for a program, a new application should be submitted.
- This is the indicator for PRO Kids to take action.
- Watch for registration dates for your requested program and follow-up with PRO Kids if time is running out.
- PRO Kids will send a list of approved PRO Kids applicants to the activity provider.
- You will receive a letter of acceptance by email or by mail.
- This letter will give you instructions on how to register with the partnered activity organization for the program.
- PRO Kids can only support a child in an activity as long as no-one is paying for an additional activity occurring at the same time.
- A child cannot be in two activities at a time regardless of who pays for it.
- If your child is participating in any other paid recreational activity, they are ineligible for PRO Kids assistance.
- Intentional negligence of this rule may result in the child's suspension from access to PRO Kids for one year.
- Your reference will be contacted to confirm that the applicant is eligible for PRO Kids assistance.
- Your reference should be someone who can speak on behalf of your financial situation. Examples: social worker, teacher or employer.
- You may also use financial statements like a pay statement, ODSP, TBDSSAB statement or Notice of Assessment summary.
- No. Paid is paid. PRO Kids cannot facilitate a refund if you have already paid for the program.
- Applicants should apply for PRO Kids assistance before the program starts, as we work with the community organization to discount fees.
- If someone pays for a program, there is no expectation for the organization to refund money.
- PRO Kids does not pay for programs until the organization provides us with a discounted invoice.
- No. Not all programs are free. Sometimes there is a requirement for the family to make a contribution toward the activity. Check with the PRO Kids Coordinator to ensure you are able to meet the requirements.
- PRO Kids assists primarily with registration fees. We do not cover costs associated with tournaments, travel or clothing.
- Sometimes required T-shirts/uniforms are included in the registration price. That is OK.
- Any fees beyond registration, such as equipment and transportation must be identified, discussed and assessed by the PRO Kids Coordinator.
- If transportation to the program is an issue, PRO Kids can provide transit passes.
- This must be identified on the application.
- The priority is to select programs that are nearby the applicants home.
- If you have further questions, please reach out to the PRO Kids Coordinator by email or by calling (807) 625-3212.
Disclosure of personal information
Filling out a PRO Kids application requires you to disclose personal information to the City.
- None of your personal information will be shared, rented, sold or otherwise released to any third party without your consent.
- The personal information is collected in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, for the purpose of processing PRO Kids applications.
- Any collection of personal information made by the City is made under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001.
Protect your personal information
If you are uploading the application and this workstation is location in a public area it is your responsibility to protect your personal information.
- It is your responsibility to protect your personal information from being view by others who may be present while you are using this work station.
- To protect your privacy, please logoff the workstation when you are finished with your application.
Questions? You can contact us any time. Email our PRO Kids Coordinator or call (807) 625-3212.
If you require a PDF in an accessible format, email our Municipal Accessibility Specialist.