Our facility has programs offered 7 days a week with the goal of having something for all abilities and fitness levels. See below for more information about adult (18+) fitness and wellness programs

Fitness/Wellness Drop-In Classes

Hard copy schedule is available at the front desk. 

Below are the classes offered for the winter session January 6 - March 9, 2025. All classes are 1 hour and in the Quebec room unless otherwise specified.
If you wish to be informed about last minute changes/cancellations (including pool and building closures) please stop by the front desk and leave your email for our mailing list.


6:30am Spin with Bryan

8:05am Aquabics deep with Marla - 45 mins

9:00am Step and Sculpt with Sarah

9:00am Aquabics shallow with Marla - 45 mins

10:00am Aquabics deep with Bonnie - 45 mins

11:15am Chair Zumba Gold with Cathy - 45 mins, Ontario room

12:15pm Step Circuit with Trish - 45 mins 

12:15pm Flow Yoga with Holly - Ontario room 

1:15pm Strength and Cardio Circuit with Bonnie - 45 mins, Ontario room

1:30pm Senior Spin with Jim - 45 mins

2:30pm Body Toning with Karen

Cancelled - 4:00pm FIT mix 

5:00pm Boxfit with Lynda - 45 mins

6:00pm Kettlebell Advanced with Brent

7:15pm Zumba Toning with Share

7:40pm Aquajog with Steve


6:00am Bootcamp with Lee

9:00am Aquabics deep with Marla - 45 mins

9:30am Strong Seniors with Karen

10:00am Aquabics shallow with Marla - 45 mins

12:15pm Kickboxing with Bonnie - 45 mins

5:00pm Hatha Yoga with Maureen - 1.5 hours in Saskatchewan room

5:00pm Spin with Gloria

6:00pm Kettlebell Advanced with Britt - 45 mins

7:30pm Zumba with Susie 


6:00am Boxing with Lee

9:00am Benderball with Candace

9:00am Aquabics shallow with Marla - 45 mins

10:00am Aquabics deep with Marla - 45 mins

11:00am Low-Impact Water Movement with Marla - 45 mins

11:15am Strength and Cardio Circuit with Bonnie - 45 mins Ontario room

12:15pm Kettlebell with Lynda - 45 mins

1:30pm Senior Spin with Jim - 45 mins

2:30pm Zuba Toning with Cathy

5:00pm Kettlebell Advanced with Lynda - 45 mins

6:00pm HIIT with Gloria

7:00pm Powwow Fitness with Gloria

7:40pm Aquajog with Steve


6:00am Tone and Sculpt with Lee

9:00am Aquabics deep with Marla - 45 mins

9:30am Strong Seniors with Karen

10:00am Aquabics shallow with Marla - 45 mins

12:15pm Step and Conditioning with Trish - 45 mins - starts January 23rd

5:00pm Hatha Yoga with Maureen - 1.5 hours in Saskatchewan room

6:00pm TRX and Functional Core with Britt

7:30pm Zumba with Susie


9:00am Strong Seniors with Sarah

9:00am Aquabics deep with Marla - 45 mins

10:15am Aqua Zumba with Susie - 45 mins

11:15am Chair Zumba Gold Toning with Cathy - 45 mins

12:15pm Core Yoga with Jan - Ontario room

Cancelled - 12:15pm Kickboxing 

1:15pm Functionally Fit with Bonnie

5:00pm Spin Bootcamp with Susan

6:00pm Cardio Drumming with Share

7:00pm Zumba Step with Susie and Share

9:00am Yoga with Maureen - 1.5 hours in Saskatchewan room

9:00am Aquajog with Tracy R

10:00am Spin with Susan

11:00am Full Body Strength + HIIT with Britt

12:00pm Functional Mobility for Athletes with Britt - 30 minutes

Community Wellness Programs - Same great classes a little closer to home. You can follow us on Facebook or call 684-3324 for more information about classes at schools or community centre in your neighbourhood!


Chronic Disease Management Programs 

These classes do not run July and August. Referral required from specific partners.


Bari-Active is a partnership between the Regional Bariatric Care Centre in the Medical Centre and the Canada Games Complex. This class goes through 3 cycles of resistance training followed by 10 minutes of cardio on an exercise machine. The class prioritizes larger muscle groups to get the whole body working.

Monday/Wednesday 6:30-8pm - Saskatchewan and Manitoba room

$7/class paid in 5-6 week increments

Chronic Pain Management

Chronic Pain Management is a partnership between the Chronic Pain Management Program at St. Joseph’s Care Group and the Canada Games Complex. The participants are taken through a guided warm up and resistance training routine followed by cardiovascular component on the exercise machines and cool down.

Tuesday 9-10am and Thursday 3-4pm - Ontario room and MTA 3

$2/class paid in 12 week increments

Fitness for Breath

Fitness for Breath is a partnership between the Lung Association, the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at St. Joseph’s Care Group Thunder Bay and the Canada Games Complex. It is a supervised exercise class for individuals with chronic lung disease such as COPD, severe asthma and pulmonary fibrosis. This exercise maintenance program is designed as post-rehabilitation. Participants learn the importance of staying active for life and the health benefits of exercise. The program motivates participants to maintain an active lifestyle, helps to manage their lung disease and to continue the gains received from their participation in pulmonary rehabilitation. The overall goal being less pulmonary distress and hospitalizations and a better quality of life.

Monday/Wednesday 1-2:30pm - Saskatchewan and Manitoba room

$7/class paid in 5-6 week increments 

Healthy Hearts

Healthy Heart is a partnership between the Rehabilitation and Healthy Lifestyle Program at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre and the Canada Games Complex. Our goal is to provide a time and a place for people with various heart conditions to be physically active and build a healthy habit under supervision. We provide participants with an accessible and safe environment to benefit from the effects of exercise.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8am, 9:15am, 10:30am OR 5:30pm for 1 hour

Tuesday/Thursday 9-10:30am OR 2:30-4pm - Saskatchewan and Manitoba room

$654 + HST for the year OR direct deposit $55 + HST monthly 

Payment includes full access to facility including gym, drop in classes and pool use

Keep Moving with Mixed Neuro

Keep Moving with Mixed Neuro is a partnership between Neurology Outpatient at St. Joseph’s Care Group Thunder Bay and the Canada Games Complex. Participants range in ability levels due to conditions such as Parkinson’s, MS and brain injuries. The class focuses on seated exercise incorporating cardio and strength exercises, with a few standing balance exercises. This supervised class aims to create a safe and fun way to exercise in a group environment.

Monday/Wednesday 10:45-11:45am - Quebec room

$6/class paid in 5-6 week increments

Keep Moving with Stroke

Keep Moving with Mixed Neuro is a partnership between Neurology Outpatient at St. Joseph’s Care Group Thunder Bay and the Canada Games Complex. The goal of this class is to help participants maintain their independence. Stroke survivors perform cardio, strength, flexibility, balance and mobility exercises in a group setting. Participants are supervised and guided through exercises which aid in overcoming the daily challenges of living with a stroke.

Tuesday/Thursday 10:45-11:45am - Quebec room

$6/class paid in 5-6 week increments

Life Changers
Referral through Curan's Heart Centre
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 2:30-4pm

WE-Can is a partnership between the Regional Cancer Care Northwest, Lakehead University School of Kinesiology and the Canada Games Complex. This program is for cancer patients in active treatment or up to five years post treatment. Participants start with an aerobic warm up and moves into a progressive strength component in a supportive group environment. Education on physical activity, nutrition and home-based exercise is also provided.

10 weeks – Tuesday/Thursday 10:30am-12pm

Saskatchewan and Manitoba room


Fitness Coaching  

One on one, semi-private or small group coaching specific to your needs. Whether you're looking for body composition changes, performance, or just looking to learn how to exercise, our goal is to help make fitness enjoyable for all on your time schedule.

Fitness Coaching sessions are 50 minutes in length.
Session are paid for in groups of 6 by cash, debit or credit. Prices are subject to HST.

6 sessions for $381.71 ($63.62/session)

12 sessions for $693.80 ($57.82/session)

24 sessions for $1,249.30 ($52.05/session)

48 sessions for $2,220.97 ($46.27/session)

If you wish to do semi-private or small group coaching prices per person will be less than indicated. 


If you are someone with accessibility needs please check out Adult Inclusion Services. Fill out an application and we can help you access our space, programs and services.

If you already have someone to assist you fill out an application for a PAL card and that person can have access for FREE in order to help you access our facilities and programs.  


Weight rooms

We have two weight rooms on the main floor. Some of the pieces of equipment you will find are:

  • Squat racks
  • Strength machines with wheelchair access
  • Dumbbells 
  • Barbells
  • Variety of upper and lower body selectorized strength machines

Multi-training areas

We have three TV-equipped multi-training areas in our facility, two on the main floor and one on the top floor with the following equipment:

  • Steppers/Stairmills
  • Exercise Bikes (Stationary, Recumbent, and Spin)
  • Rowing Machines
  • Treadmills
  • Elliptical machines
  • Treadwall climbing
  • KrankCycles and arm bikes
  • Universal cable machine
  • Various HOIST selectorized equipment

Multi-purpose rooms

We boast three multi-purpose rooms for the use of our members with all holding either registered or drop-in fitness programming or available for general use.

We have the 2,500 square foot Quebec Room, which is the home for the majority of our fitness programming and the 900 square foot Ontario and Saskatchewan Rooms.


If you require a PDF in an accessible format, contact our Municipal Accessibility Specialist.

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