Try out the new Property and Permits portal

Apply for and track your building permits for residential projects including:

  • New houses and additions
  • Small multi-unit apartments (less than 600 mor 3 storeys)
  • Accessory buildings (garages, sheds, etc.)
  • Decks
  • Building demolition
  • Residential interior alterations (basement finishing, minor alterations, interior demolition, etc.)
  • Building systems (plumbing, sprinkler/standpipe, HVAC, fire alarm, flat roofing system replacement)
  • Solid fuel-burning appliances (wood stoves, fireplaces)
  • Pool fences

Explore the building permit information 

We invite you to find fees, timelines and application requirements. Apply and pay online or in person. On this page you can: 

  1. Find fees and timelines
  2. Get a residential building permit
  3. Get a commercial building permit
  4. Other permits, approvals and forms
  5. Check application status
  6. Request an inspection

Find fees and timelines

Current building permit fees 

Download the current fee schedule to find all building permit fees.

Current building permit processing times

Depending on your project, your complete building permit application package will be reviewed within:

10 business days

One and two unit family dwellings, garages, sheds, and all other small residential projects

15 business days

Small commercial building permits

20 business days

Large commercial building permits except those listed below

30 business days

Post disaster buildings (as defined in the Ontario Building Code), high buildings or buildings with interconnected floor spaces

Get a residential building permit

Check below for to find requirements for home renovation and construction projects.

Basement renovations 

Check before you build

Before you begin your basement renovation, you should be aware of the following:

  1. Zoning does not need to be checked if the work is being done in a legally existing, single detached dwelling with no exterior work involved, and no change of use to the building
  2. If the use of the building is being changed, check your zoning
  3. A building permit is required to renovate a basement, even if it is just adding a bedroom
  4. Minimum sizes for doors, windows and ventilation are required for all basement renovations 

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Building Permit Application form
  2. Schedule 1: Designer Information form
  3. Floor plan
  4. Plumbing Information sheet (if applicable)
  5. Schedule 1: Designer Information form for plumbing (if applicable)
  6. Applicable Law checklist
  7. Authorization from the owner (if you are not the homeowner)
  8. Building Permit fee

Once you have all of the information required for your online application, fill out and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all other required forms/documentation.

Apply and pay

To apply online for a building permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary drawings
  4. Pay using a credit card

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this, download and complete the documents above. Bring the completed forms to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.


Check before you build

Before you start to build your deck, you should be aware of the following:

  1. A Building Permit is required if a deck is more than 0.6m above the ground, or if it is attached to a building with a basement
  2. Zoning should be checked for the required setbacks
  3. A Building Permit is not required when the deck is not attached to a building, and is less than 0.6m from the ground.


For more detailed information, visit our 'Before You Build' website or watch the video below.

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms:  

  1. Building Permit Application form
  2. Site plan locating all buildings on the property
  3. Deck Information form
  4. Applicable Law checklist
  5. Authorization from the owner (if you are not the homeowner)
  6. Building Permit fee

Once you have all of the information required for your online application, fill out and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all other required forms/documentation.

Apply and pay

To apply online for a Residential Deck permit, you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms above
  4. Pay using a credit card

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this, download and complete the forms above, and bring them in to the Development Services Offices, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.


When constructing a new driveway, modifying or resurfacing an existing driveway, a permit may be required.

Before applying for a Driveway Permit, be sure to review the information below to ensure you have all the required documentation to submit an application.

To apply online:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms
  4. Pay using a credit card

To apply in person:

Application forms can be picked up at the City of Thunder Bay Engineering office located in Victoriaville Civic Centre, 111 Syndicate Avenue S, 2nd Floor, or by calling 807-625-2267. Office hours are Monday to Friday 9am-4pm (closed for lunch 12:30-1:30pm).

1. Review the Driveway Construction Standards

Entrance design requirements

Entrances must be designed in accordance with the requirements contained herein, as well as accepted Engineering Standards and specifications per Provincial and Municipal guidelines.

Total driveways allowed per lot

  • One driveway for the first 16.0m (52.5ft) of frontage
  • One additional driveway from 16.0m (52.5ft) to 31.0m (101.7ft) of frontage
  • One additional driveway if the lot has 31m to 50m (164ft) total frontage

Note:  For a lot with multiple driveways, a minimum distance of 6.0m, measured at the property line, is required between driveways.

Driveway width

Maximum width of driveway at the property line:

  • 6.0 metres for dwellings
  • 9.0 metres for all other uses

Maximum width of driveway at the street:

  • 6.0 metres for streets with curb and 9.0 metres for streets without curb
  • 12.0 metres for all other uses

Other criteria for driveway construction 

  • For corner lots at intersections, driveway accesses on the lot must be located a minimum of 9.0m away from the street intersection, measured from the property line.
  • The driveway shall intersect with the street at a right (90⁰) angle except where conditions warrant, the driveway may be permitted to intersect at less than a right (90⁰) angle but not less than a sixty (60⁰) angle.
  • Minimum 50% of the front yard setback (typically 6.0m) must consist of landscaped open space. This means that on private property (beyond the 5.0m from the curb) the driveway cannot exceed 50% of the lot width (i.e. for a 15m wide lot, the maximum driveway width on private property would be 7.5m).
  • Edge of driveway to be a minimum of 3.0m away from transformer and boulevard trees, and a minimum of 1.0m away from hydrants, street light poles and communication pedestals.
  • All motor vehicles must be able to park totally within the limits of the driveway and must not overhang or encroach onto city lands, sidewalks, boulevards or street allowances.
  • Driveway entrance from a back lane does not require a permit. Keep in mind that the City does not plow laneways.
2. Review the Driveway Permit Application Instructions

The Driveway Application Process involves the following steps:

  1. Submission and review of the application package for completion and compliance.
  2. Site inspection by municipal staff will normally be performed within 10 business days following receipt of completed application package. Requirements for culverts, curb cuts or other work will be determined during the site inspection.
  3. Issuance of driveway permit.
  4. Installation of the driveway, ensuring conformance with the approved site plan and Municipal requirements/specifications.
  5. Final site inspection to confirm proper construction of driveway. It is the responsibility of the applicant to call the Engineering office once the driveway modification is completed.

Application Checklist

Review of the Driveway Construction Standards, Driveway Application Instructions, and Frequently Asked Questions should answer any questions you may have.

If work is to be done on vacant land or a rural location, please ensure the address is displayed on site and the proposed driveway location is clearly marked with stakes.

Excavation for a driveway is not to exceed more than 0.3m (1ft) deep. Prior to construction, underground utility locates must be obtained by the person/contractor performing the work. If existing overhead utilities (telephone, hydro, etc.) are present at the location of the driveway, the owner is responsible for contacting the utility company(s) to verify that clearances to overhead wires are acceptable.

Application packages may require the following:

If required forms are not submitted or are incomplete, your application may be delayed.

  • Completed application
  • Payment
  • Sketch to include:
    • Location and width of proposed driveway
    • Property limits
    • Any building(s) on property
    • Other entrances on property and distances between existing and proposed driveways
    • Features such as intersections, curves, utilities and trees*
    • Indicate measurements
  • Proof of Insurance:
    • If a contractor is constructing the driveway, we may require a City of Thunder Bay Certificate of Insurance form completed and signed by an authorized representative of their insurance company
    • If the owner is constructing the driveway, a completed Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement form combined with a copy of their homeowner’s insurance policy confirming $2,000,000.00 liability coverage
  • Deed or Land Transfer
    • If property has been recently purchased, a copy of the land transfer tax or deed indicating the new owner may be required

Resurfacing only:

  • Spreading crusher fines or gravel only (no asphalt or concrete being applied)?
    • If yes, a permit is not required.
  • Resurfacing private property only (no work being done on city property)?
    • If yes, a permit is not required.
  • Resurfacing entire driveway (private and city portions) with concrete or asphalt?
    • If yes, a completed application is required along with proof of insurance – no fee or sketch is required.

New and/or Existing Driveway with Modifications will require:

  • Completed application
  • Payment of fee
  • Sketch of proposed driveway
  • Proof of insurance

If applying for a building permit, a driveway permit is a necessary requirement. 

  • If there’s already a driveway and no changes are being made, a completed application and payment are required – no sketch or insurance are required.
  • If there are no plans to put in a driveway right away, an appropriate location must be determined. This information can be adjusted at a later date, however City Standards must be followed. The City must be notified and approve the change(s) prior to work beginning - a completed application, sketch, proof of insurance and payment are required.

*NOTE: Trees on municipal property are protected under By-law 008-2005 and will not be removed or affected except under exceptional circumstances with the approval of the Director of Engineering & Operations or their designate. In those exceptional circumstances, the applicant will be responsible for the full costs associated with any tree removal, tree stump grinding and replacement of tree(s) with two, sixty (60) millimeter caliper trees. The replacement species and proposed locations will be determined in accordance with By-law 008-2005.

New builds and home renovation permits

Check before you build

Before you start to apply for a Building Permit for a new home or to renovate an existing one:

  1. Check the zoning on your property so your plans comply with the zoning
  2. Follow the Residential Building Permit Application Checklist to obtain and complete the necessary documents
  3. Modifications to your property may result in a change in your assessment and property taxes.  Please visit Property Taxes – Supplementary & Omitted Tax bills for information and to estimate the applicable taxes

Download the Residential Building Permit Application Checklist to see what information is required. 

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Building Permit Application form
  2. Schedule 1: Designer Information form
  3. Plumbing Information sheet
  4. Schedule 1: Designer Information form for plumbing
  5. Applicable Law checklist
  6. Authorization from the owner (if you are not the homeowner)
  7. Building Permit fee
  8. Residential Building Permit Fee Calculation form

Once you have all of the information required for your online application, fill out and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all other required forms/documentation.

Apply and pay

To apply online for a Residential Building Permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms above
  4. Pay using a credit card

Apply and pay online

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this download and complete the above forms, and bring them to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

New plumbing system permits

Check before you build


When you are installing new plumbing fixtures in your house or relocating existing fixtures you need a Building Permit for plumbing.

  1. Permits are required when installing new pipes, or moving a fixture or hot water tank
  2. Permits are not required when you are replacing a fixture (taps, toilet, etc).

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Building Permit Application form
  2. Plumbing Information sheet
  3. Plumbing isometric drawing (required when the drainage piping is modified)
  4. Schedule 1: Designer Information form for plumbing (if applicable)
  5. Applicable Law checklist
  6. Authorization from the owner (if you are not the homeowner)
  7. Building Permit fee


Once you have all of the information required for your online application, fill out and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all other required forms/documentation.

Apply and pay

To apply online for a Plumbing Permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms above
  4. Pay using a credit card

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this download and complete the above forms, and bring them to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

Sheds, garages and accessory building permits

Check before you build

When you build a new garage that is more than 10 m² (108 ft²) or shed that is more than 15 m² (162 ft²) you need a Building Permit. A recent code amendment exempts sheds up to 15 m² from requiring a building permit.

Interim Amendments to the 2012 Building code exempts sheds up to 15 square metres in area from requiring a building permit, provided the shed:

  1. Is not more than one story in building height
  2. Is not attached to a building or any other structure
  3. Is used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot, and
  4. Does not have plumbing.


For more detailed information, visit our 'Before You Build' webpage or watch the video below.

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms:  

  1. Building Permit Application form
  2. Site plan. Please note: you must indicate overhead power line locations on your site plan (if applicable)
  3. Detached Garage/Shed Design form
  4. Schedule 1: Designer Information form (only for buildings larger than 55 m² (576 ft²)
  5. Applicable Law checklist
  6. Authorization from the owner (if you are not the homeowner)
  7. Building Permit fee

Once you have all of the information required for your online application, fill out and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all other required forms/documentation.

Apply and pay

To apply online for an Accessory Building Permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms above
  4. Pay using (insert payment methods)

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this, download and complete the forms above, and bring them to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

Swimming pool fence permits 

Check before you build

Before installing your pool, you need a Pool Fence Permit for the construction of a new fence or to confirm your existing fence meets the requirements of the pool fence by-law.

  1. A permit is required when a swimming pool is more than 24" deep.
  2. Check to make sure your pool has the proper setbacks applied in the Zoning By-law
  3. The maximum height of a pool is 1.5m above grade

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms:  

  1. Building Permit Application form
  2. Site plan. Please note: you must indicate overhead power line locations on your site plan (if applicable) 
  3. Swimming Pool Fence Information form
  4. Applicable Law checklist
  5. Authorization from the owner (if you are not the homeowner)
  6. Building Permit fee


Apply and pay

To apply online for a Swimming Pool Fence permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms above
  4. Pay using (insert payment methods)

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this, download and complete the above forms, and bring them to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

Wood stoves and solid fuel appliances 

Check before you build

When you are installing a wood stove, you will need a Building Permit.

  1. A permit is required when installing or moving a woodstove 
  2. Relocating or building a chimney also requires a permit
  3. All factory-built woodstoves, steel liners, inserts, and other appliances must comply with Building Code, testing and installation standards
  4. Site-built fireplaces and chimneys must be provided with adequate foundation supports

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Building Permit Application form
  2. Floor plan locating the new wood stove
  3. New wood stove and chimney specifications from the manufacturer
  4. Applicable Law checklist
  5. Authorization from the owner (if you are not the homeowner)
  6. Building Permit fee

Once you have all of the information required for your online application, fill out and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all other required forms/documentation.

Apply and pay

To apply online for a Woodstove and Solid Fuel Burning Permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms above
  4. Pay using a credit card

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this, download and complete the above forms, and bring them to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

 Get a commercial building permit

Check below for to find requirements for commercial renovation and construction projects.

Large buildings 

Check before you build

For buildings that fall under Part 3 of the Ontario Building Code you need large commercial building permit. This includes:

  1. Buildings that are more than three storeys in height
  2. More than 600m2 (6458 sq.ft)
  3. Any building with a care or assembly use (restaurant, church, etc.)
  4. Requirements vary depending on the project. Please contact Building Services for more information.

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Design by an architect, engineer or large buildings designer depending on the project
  2. Building Permit application form
  3. Applicable Law Checklist
  4. General Review/Commitment Certificate
  5. Letter of Understanding and Commitment of Review
  6. Plumbing Information Sheet & isometric drawing if applicable
  7. Owner's authorization (if applicable)
  8. Building Permit fee
  9. Drawings & specifications
  10. Some commercial projects require a Backflow Prevention device.

Complete the above forms, and then print them off as part of your Commercial Building package.

Apply and pay

Bring in your completed Building Permit package, along with payment to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

Small buildings

Check before you build

For buildings that fall under Part 9 of the Ontario Building Code (other than one and two family dwelling units) you need small commercial building permit. These buildings:

  1. Are three or less storeys in height 
  2. Less than 600m2 (6458 sq.ft.)
  3. Uses other than care and assembly (church, restaurant, etc.)
  4. Requirements vary depending on the project. Please contact Building Services for more information.

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Design by a registered small buildings designer
  2. Building Permit application form
  3. Applicable Law Checklist
  4. Schedule 1: Designer Information form (provided by designer)
  5. Plumbing Information Sheet & isometric drawing if applicable
  6. Owner's authorization (if applicable)
  7. Building Permit fee
  8. Drawings
  9. Some commercial projects require a Backflow Prevention device


Download the above forms, and fill in the required information.

Apply and pay

Applications for small multi-unit residential buildings can be submitted online.

To apply online for a building permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary drawings
  4. Pay using a credit card

Apply and pay online

All other small building applications must be submitted in person.

Please bring the above completed forms, along with payment, to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

Other permits, approvals and forms

Backflow prevention and control valves

Check before you build

When you add or remove a backflow prevention device, you need a building permit. Typically, commercial projects require a backflow prevention device.


Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Application for a permit to construct or demolish
  2. Plumbing information form
  3. Cross Connection Assessment Form
  4. Backflow Prevention Device Test Report Forms (after device installation)


Once you have all of the information required for your application, fill our and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all the other required forms and documents.

Apply and pay

To apply online for a Backflow Prevention Permit you must:

  1. Complete the online application screen
  2. Submit payment for requested permit(s)
  3. After the payment is processed, upload your permit application and any supporting documents
  4. You will receive a receipt at the end of the submission.

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this, complete the above forms, and bring them, along with payment, to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

Demolition permits 

Check before you apply

When you want to demolish a building on your property larger than 108 sq. ft., you need a building permit.

Note: Demolition of a portion of building or interior demolition are to be applied for as a residential building alteration permit, or for commercial, a small (Part 9) or large (Part 3) building permit.

Download forms

To submit an application online or in person you must download and complete these forms: 

  1. Application for a permit to construct or demolish
  2. Applicable Law checklist
  3. Demolition form (signed with all necessary approvals)
  4. Site plan (when there is more than one building on the property)

Once you have all of the information required for your online application, fill out and save the forms to your computer, and scan in all other required forms/documentation.

Apply and pay

To apply online for a Demolition Permit you must:

  1. Create an account or sign in to the Property and Permits portal
  2. Enter information about your project
  3. Upload all necessary forms above
  4. Pay using a credit card

You can also submit an application in person.

To do this, complete the above forms, and bring them, along with payment, to the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. S.

Signage permits 

Check before you build

Placing a ground sign or a sign on a building requires a sign permit. The Sign By-law determines the size of the sign that can be used at a particular location.

Apply and pay

To apply for a sign permit, please contact the Licensing and Enforcement Division at 807-577-6536 or visit the Municipal Enforcement Services Office at 882 Alloy Place (off Central Ave.) 

Supplemental forms and notices 

Check application status

To check the status of an application, please log into the Property and Permits portal. Under 'My Applications' you will see the status of your project. If you require additional information, contact Building Services at 807-625-2574 or Planning Services at 807-625-2216, or visit in-person at the Development Services Office, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd floor, 111 Syndicate Ave. South.

Request an inspection

If you require a building, plumbing, or backflow inspection, please visit the Request a Building Inspection page or log into the Property and Permits portal for portal applications.

Contact Us