calendar parking signCalendar parking will come into effect on Monday December 9, 2024 at 9am.

When is calendar parking in effect?

Calendar parking restrictions apply from November 15 to March 31. The City may delay the start of calendar parking, or may end it early depending on current conditions and forecast. Announcements will be made when calendar parking begins and ends. Once implemented for the season calendar parking restrictions are in effect until the spring, regardless of the current weather conditions. 

How do I know where to park? 

Signs are generally only posted at the beginning of a block, so be sure to take note of the sign before parking on any street.

Calendar parking restrictions are in effect 9 am - 5 pm every day and priority route restrictions are in effect 2 am - 7 am every night. Posted signage indicates if these restrictions are in place for EVEN days or ODD days. 

For example, if you park on an ODD numbered calendar day on the same side of the street as a sign that states that there is no parking from 9 am to 5 pm on ODD calendar days, you may receive a parking ticket.

Why do we have calendar parking?

The restriction ensures that residential areas can be properly maintained during the winter by keeping one side of the roadway clear of vehicles, and ensure safe traffic flow when the road widths become narrow.

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