Only licensed contractors hired by the City are to plant trees on municipal property, as the trees must be planted according to our standards and specifications. Generally, we plant one boulevard tree in front of each lot, as well as two along corner lots in a subdivision.

If you are a contractor looking for more information, see the Parks and Open Spaces Tree Standards and Specifications

Tree planting standards and specifications

Use our Parks and Open Spaces Tree Standards and Specifications and fill out our As-Planted Tree form, which will provide you with the necessary details and criteria for boulevard tree planting. This will avoid any delays and facilitate approval processes. It’s your responsibility to use a competent contractor and to adhere to the specifications in every detail.

Contact Us

Eric Todd
Superintendent, EMS City Operations
105 Junot Ave. S.
Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 4X6
807-625-4603 | 807-625-4614
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